Chapter 27 - Fight to the Finish -

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Baymax had to use his super sensor to try and locate a match for either Brandon or BloodShed, just in case neither actually went back to San Fransokyo, but he couldn't find a match. For once, everyone was on Baymax's back, seeming very anxious and worried for their next fight. They knew it was going to be a lot more dangerous this time since they were fighting more than one person, with huge robots.

"Hiro," Kira finally said, looking over at the boy, "If I only have a sword and a couple of kuani, how the hell am I supposed to damage those robots?"

"I didn't tell you?" Hiro asked, looking at her for a brief moment, "While you were gone in the first two weeks, I made some minor upgrades to your suit. Check out your sword."

She pulled out her sword and studied it, checking for any type of change on it. It was then she notices a button under the sword's handle.

"What does this do...?"

"Push it."

She did as he said and found that the metal part of the sword seemed to disappear and what replaced it was one of Wasabi's plasma lasers.


"They come in handy when it comes to metal," Wasabi said, clinging onto Baymax for dear life, "So it would be more efficient for you."

"Thanks guys."

She turned her sword back to its normal state and put it away. Then, she seemed to sigh softly.

"...Hey guys... Listen up for a second, okay...?" She stared up at the sky, refusing to look at any of them, "...I'm really sorry that I've dragged you all into this... Honestly, this is technically because of me, since they are my parents..."

"What?" Honey placed a hand on Kira's shoulders, making the younger girl turn to her, "Kira, none of this is your fault. Sometimes... As cruel as it is, things happen."

"Honey's right," Hiro added, "You really didn't have much to do with this. Don't beat yourself up over it."


"Kira," Her teammates smiled at her, "We'll talk about this later. But don't worry, we don't blame you."

Kira's lips slowly curved into a smile, "...Okay..." She took a deep breath and kept her eyes forward, '...I'm still going to make this right somehow...'

The rest of their flight back was all about strategy, nothing more.

"There's obviously a way inside those robots," Kira said.

"So if there's a way we can get in without flying," Hiro added, "Then Honey and Wasabi, you two try to get inside. If it's higher and we need to fly or jump really high, Kira and Fred will try to. The rest of us will keep the robots at bay and from destroying the city."


When San Fransokyo came into view, it was something... Different. There were three gigantic robots, one black, one dark red, and one blue, each as tall as the buildings. The city must've been in a panic.

"...Are you guys ready...?" Hiro asked, "This will be our last fight between us and Kira's family..."


Kira normally didn't feel this scared, but this time was different. One wrong move and they were all done for, especially the ones who would be near the feet of those robots.

"Alright," Hiro said, "I think I see what looks to be a closed entrance right around the upper back of the robot." He pointed to the back of the black robot. "See? Kira, before you go in, open up all three of the backs of the robots so all of us can take them out eventually."

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