A/N Apologies + Sneak Peek

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Hi guys. Uhhhh I swear I'm still writing this story but I've run into a bit of writers block for the way I want to write the next chapter, so all I can say is that it should be updated either within a few days or early next week. Probably sometime next week, tbh. Also, because I haven't updated in a bit, I'll give you a sneak peek to the next chapter ;) It's part of the beginning though because I've really only written two pages (I handwrite my chapters first and edit them here on Wattpad).

Sneak peek:

"Trying to give her false hope, are you?" Brandon's voice was heard as the said male walked up to the front of the bars suddenly. Mathew glanced at the man for a brief moment, then turned away. "You're pathetic."

"I should be saying that to you," Mathew replied.


"You heard me. You're the one who's pathetic. You and Michelle. Killing your eldest daughter, injuring and maybe scarring your youngest, and hurting her friends. All for what? What is all of this for?"

"They're the reason we're doing this. Everything bad that's happened-"

"Was your own damn fault."

Brandon stopped talking for a moment at Mathew's words, then faced the brunette as he said, "It's my fault?"

"Yeah, you heard correctly." Anger shone in Mathew's eyes, "You were such nice people until that crash. What, did someone visit you before your daughter? Who came before Elizabeth? Did they make you this way?! You cared deeply for your family, Brandon, and then suddenly you and Michelle became these evil monsters."

"...You're lying. I've always been this way."

"Do you want the proof?!" Mathew was about to stand up but he didn't want to wake up Kira or Hiro, "Go back to your old home and go to the living room. Check out some of those old disks under the television. You'll find the proof there."

"...If anyone asks, I'm not here." With those words, Brandon turned away and began to walk down the hallway.

What do you think? A bit suspenseful huh? c: Okay, see you next update! Also I might change a few things around for this sneak peek in the real chapter.

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