Chapter 19 - Regret -

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((A/N: PLEASE READ THIS FIRST. Kira's swearing habit is pretty bad this chapter. "F-bombs" are said a couple of times, a couple other swears too... Just giving ya a heads up. And don't swear as bad as Kira does, it's a bad habit to break))

The Next Day...

"Damn it... Why can't I figure this out?!" Kira slammed her hands down on her computer desk, frustrated with her work. She had kept everything she heard a secret from her friends, even Rover, and she was having trouble trying to track down Mathew's phone, or anything that would bring her to him.

"Ow Ow OW!!" She hissed, holding onto one of her hands. She still had bandages on from Baymax's treatment, and it didn't help that her wounds were only slowly healing.

"Your bandages most likely need to be changed," Rover said, "I will get Baymax and Hiro."

"No, Rover, I'm-"

Rover ignored her, knowing she needed them to be changed, and went to find the pair.

"Stupid robot," She muttered under her breath. She knew she'd feel bad about it later, but for now she was too frustrated at herself to feel upset, "Who is he with...?" She ran her fingers through the ends of her brunette strands and paced around in her lab.

"What if... Wait, that woman said 'the same fate as your girlfriend'... But... She wasn't Mom, was she? It was too hard to hear clearly... If it was, the place she was talking about is somewhere near Mathew's new station was, since he said that the evidence they found pointed towards there... But... ARGH DAMN IT ALL!!"

She pulled on her hair fiercely, probably disturbing others around her lab.


She slammed her hands down on her desk once more, knocking over a picture frame in the process and shattering the glass.

"Shit," She shakily let out a sigh and picked up the picture. It was one of her when she was younger with Mathew and Elizabeth. She wanted to rip it up and have it just be her because that was how she felt.


But before she could, her lab door opened.

"So, you need your bandages changed, Ms. Scarlet?" Hiro's joking voice normally made her feel better, but today it just messed with her temper and made her more irritated. It didn't help that she had hardly slept last night.

"I don't care," She snarled, putting the picture down onto the desk, "Just do it so I can get back to my work."

"Someone's rather grumpy today."

"I'm not in the mood for jokes, Hiro."

"Okay, okay."

He turned around as Baymax began to change Kira's bandages. This time, she made no protests, despite her awful mood, and was given fresh bandages.


Hiro turned back around and walked over to her, "So, what's got you so..." He made his hands like claws and made low growl-like noises to show "violent."

"1.) Don't be a moron, put your hands down, 2.) I'm busy, and I need to finish this project for a class."

"1.) According to you I'm always a moron, 2.) Cheer up. It'll be more fun if you smile."

He placed his hands on her cheeks, pulling up her lips slightly with his thumbs to make her smile.


"Just smile," He laughed at her,

"Shhtop- Hirro let go 'f my fface!"

She grabbed onto his forearms and pulled them down, forcing him to let go of her face. He grinned, exposing his tooth gap.

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