Chapter 1 - Introduction -

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"Kira?!" At the sound of Tadashi's voice, she turned around and gave him a nervous smile before hopping on to the bike as well. "Step on it, Tadashi!" She yelled, holding onto Hiro's shoulders, and the three were on their way home. "Kira, what are you doing here?!" Tadashi yelled, "I have my reasons, Tadashi," She replied, "And you do not need to know my every day activities. And besides, I always have an escape route with my backpack, but because I got thrown into a wall, they malfunctioned." She heard him sigh. "First I have to worry about Hiro bot fighting, and now I have to worry about you too..." "Hey, I'm fine!" Hiro interrupted, "And I have a lot of money!" He grinned, a grin that showed a little gap between his teeth. Kira, despite barely knowing him, slapped the back of his head. "What was that for?!" He yelled, glaring back at her, "Don't go to a bot fight if you don't have an escape route, you moron!!" She growled, "You're lucky I was there!" "And you're lucky I was there, Kira! You two could've gotten seriously hurt-" he stopped his sentence short, and the motorcycle came to a stop. "Why did we- Oh..." Kira mumbled, "Fan-freaking-tastic..." Tadashi had stopped because of several police cars right in front of them. "Just our luck..."
((A/N: Whenever you see --- it means it's like a timeskip but it could also be switching point of views. You'll see a lot of these and they'll start to make sense))
Hiro and Kira were the only two who couldn't fit into a cell with the others, so they sat in a different one. Kira fiddled with her fingers, clearly nervous about being in the cell, and Tadashi was glaring at the two. Hiro looked up at his brother with a nervous smile on his face, "Um... Tadashi-" "We'll talk about it later..." Tadashi grumbled, irritated with the pair. Mainly Hiro, since he was responsible for his little brother. "Hey, Tadashi, take it easy on him," Kira said, "He's got a couple of years of childhood left, let him enjoy it." "Again, I'm 14..." Hiro muttered,
"So am I."
Tadashi raised an eyebrow, wondering why she, of all people, would tell him that. He made a note to ask her later
"Tadashi? Is Aunt Cass coming to get us...?" Hiro asked shakily, trying not to make his brother more upset. "Yes." He looked over at Kira. "Kira, who is coming to get you?" "Oh... Um... About that..." She laughed, but the brothers could tell it was forced, "My parents aren't in town, and my sister is over a friends house for the weekend... So I'm kinda gonna be here for a while..." "Don't you have her number?"
"My sister's phone died the other day, and she can't find her charger. And she didn't tell me who's house she was going to so..." She gave Tadashi a smile, but he could tell it was full of worry. She was honestly scared of the fact that she could be in jail for a long time. "Hey, maybe Aunt Cass can help her out?" Hiro suggested, and Kira's face immediately brightened up. "D-Do you think she'll mind?" She asked, "Well, no doubt she'll be furious with us, but I don't think that she'll mind if I let her know you're one of our friends." "Thanks, Tadashi, I owe you one."
"Yes you do."
Within minutes of clearing up that Kira was also with the Hamadas, the trio were led outside to worried woman with short brunette hair. Kira walked behind the brothers, so the woman didn't know she was there. "Hey, Aunt Cass..." The pair said sheepishly, "Are you two alright?" She asked, hugging them tightly. "Yes, we're fine..." "Good." Then she grabbed them by their ears and held them tightly, "Now what were you two thinking?!" "Um..." Kira rolled on the balls of her heels, feeling a bit awkward, "Thank you for helping me, Ms. Hamada..." She said softly, finally being noticed by Cass. "Oh, you're welcome," Cass smiled, still holding onto the two boys. It made Kira giggle slightly at the sight, but did not let her gaze lock onto Cass', "You're Kira, correct? You go to SFIT too, right?" "Yes ma'am... I know... A college student doing something illegal. Rather shameful, isn't it?" She laughed.
'There it is again...' Tadashi thought, 'her eyes were dull for a moment... I'll have to ask her later... Right now isn't the best moment...'
"Well, thank you for helping me out," Kira sighed, "I'm going to head back to SFIT to try and fix my backpack. See you another time." She turned and started to walk away when she felt someone grab her arm gently. "Hey, we're not just going to let you walk there," Tadashi said, "Especially since it's dark, and you did save my brother." He looked over at his aunt. "Mind driving her back?" He asked.
"Of course," Cass smiled at the brunette, "I'd hate for something to happen to you. You would be by yourself." "Oh... Um... Well, okay. Thank you." She smiled. "You're welcome." As they got into the car, Kira put on her purple and black headphones on and played music. She and Hiro sat behind Tadashi and Cass, and she could hear the muffled voice of Cass scolding the brothers. She didn't hear what the woman was saying, probably something about how irresponsible they had acted, mainly Hiro, her music was louder, and before she knew it, she was whispering lyrics to herself. Hiro glanced over at her a couple of times, wondering what she was saying because he couldn't hear, but would quickly look away, afraid to get caught staring. Tadashi, however noticed it. Finally, after what seemed like hours listening to different songs, they had arrived at SFIT and Kira turned her music off, letting her headphones hang around her neck. "Thanks for driving me, Ms. Hamada," She said as she got out of the car, "Your welcome, and you can call me Cass," Cass replied, smiling.
"Oh. Okay."
She looked over at Tadashi, "You going to work on anything tonight?" "Ah, I might come down. Not sure yet," he replied. "Okay." She smirked and leaned in towards Hiro, "I better not catch you at another bot fight, Hiro," She said, "Because I don't want to have to save your sorry butt again." He looked embarrassed, and surprised, and she laughed. "Nice to meet ya." She closed the door lightly, holding onto her damaged backpack and started walking inside. "Well..." She mumbled, "Time to work on fixing the wings..." Tadashi looked back at Hiro with a smirk on his face. "Tadashi, why are you looking at me like that?" Hiro asked as Cass began driving home. Tadashi chuckled and said "I saw you staring at her." Very slightly, Hiro blushed. "I-I wasn't staring at her. I was just wondering what she was saying. She kept mumbling to herself..." "Mhm. Suuuuure."
A/N: first chapter Wooo. (although the prolog was originally the first chapter but I changed that so...) Again, feedback would be greatly appreciated since I've never really shared my fanfics with anyone before... Thanks!
Okay bye~

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