Chapter 18 - "Mathew...?" -

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Kira found nothing wrong with Rover's microchip, and she didn't really believe he needed any improvements, so she just left it be. She created a couple of different files on her computer with his coding on it, naming only one of them "microchip coding" and the rest different things so no one actually knew she had multiple files.

"Seems Elizabeth programmed him to know everything about me, and a couple of defense mechanisms if needed," She said, turning to face Hiro, "But it seems that the defense parts only activate if I have an allergic reaction or something like that."

"That's good," Hiro replied, "So Rover's kind of like Baymax, but more for you instead of everyone else."

"Exactly," She sighed, pulling out the microchip.

"Something wrong?"

"I... Haven't heard from Mathew since last Thursday... Nothing about my parents, no check-ups on me, nothing... I know that wasn't really long ago but..."

He noticed the sad glint in her eyes. He knew Mathew was very important to her, she had explained that he was practically her family, and he was probably the only "family" person who cared about her. He placed a hand on her cheek gently, smiling at her.

"Maybe he's just busy. I'm sure you'll hear from him soon."

She looked up at him, soon placing her own hand on top of Hiro's, giving him a small smile, "Yeah... Maybe..."

Both of their phones beeped a few times, signaling there was something wrong in San Fransokyo. They both checked their phones, finding it to be the news updates.

"Hostages held at the bank," Hiro read, "Man has a gun, but has not fired. Yet."

"Suit up?" Kira asked.

"Suit up. I'll get the others." Hiro ran out of her lab, along with a waddling Baymax, and the brunette sighed once more.

"I'll activate you later, Rover," She murmured, putting the microchip in her desk drawer and shutting down her computer. She grabbed her keys to the lab and locked it, meeting up with the rest of the group. Unknowing to her, a man had snuck into her lab through her window.

"She and her friends are heading to the site now," The male said softly, talking into an earpiece he was wearing.

"Good," A voice came through the ear pierce, "You know what to do."

"Correct. You do realize it could be awhile before this works, right?"

"Yes, but it's now or never. We'll be able to monitor it all in the movement it makes."


The man walked over to her computer desk and searched for the drawer that contained the microchip and soon plugged it into the computer, starting it up. Immediately, a password lock was on the screen, and the man smiled. He typed in the password, because he knew exactly what her password would be:

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Scarlet

He was granted access to the computer and to the first file that was studying the microchip. He didn't realize that there were more, but it didn't matter. He laughed, "Well, time to change some codings."

"So who exactly is this guy?" Kira asked as the group headed towards the city bank.

"They don't know," Hiro replied, "He was wearing a mask when a cop tried to go in, but had to leave before the man shot someone. He's in hysterics or something."

"So we have some strange guy robbing a bank with a gun," GoGo added, "sounds like a average everyday criminal to me."

"Well, there are also hostages," Honey said, "And the police don't want anyone to get shot, because the man's threatening to shoot, so they can't send anyone else in."

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