Chapter 28 - Recovery -

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Police and ambulance cars were everywhere around the fallen robots as they tried to clean up everything. Kira hid behind her teammates as she lowered the Microbots down to the police officers. Immediately, they handcuffed Michelle and BloodShed, and the microbots returned to Kira. No one could see the team's faces and they began to return home. The microbots simply followed them as they flew away.

"Where is Brandon?" Hiro asked.

"He said he was going home when we took him away from the battle," Honey replied.

"Then let's all head to Kira's house, after we take off our suits."

Everyone took off their suits when they reached Hiro's garage and headed towards Kira's house.

"Mathew? Dad?" She called as soon as they stepped into her house, "Guys?" She ran into the living room, wondering if they'd be there, yet none one was there. She looked around and found a note on the tv, so she pulled it off and read it.

Tonight, meet Brandon and I down at the train station before 6:30. I understand you've just turned in Michelle and "BloodShed", but this is important.
- Mathew.'

"Well, I know where I'm going later tonight," She mumbled, turning to the group, "Hey, you guys can head home and rest. Or at least let your families know you're back from 'visiting' me in San Andreas."

"You sure, Rose Petal?" Fred asked, and her eyes widened slightly, "You'll be okay?"

"...Rose Petal..." She smiled, "Let's start calling me that more often..." She closed her eyes, thinking about her sister, "and yes, I'll be alright."

"If you're sure," Honey said.

They all shared a group hug and began to leave.

"Hey," Hiro stayed for a few minutes longer, "Are you really okay this time?"

"...Yeah..." She leaned her forehead on his shoulder, "I'll be alright. Although... I kind of... Well, I'm not sure if I want to forgive my dad or not..."

"Well... What do you think you should do?" He wrapped his arms around her gently, "Holding onto a grudge sometimes isn't worth it... If he knows that he wants to be better and you feel like you should do it... Maybe it's worth a shot."

"...Like I said, not sure yet... But yet... I felt... Sadness, when he went with BloodShed... And I didn't understand why. I still don't."

"Because deep down you really love him?"

She went silent and slowly looked up at Hiro, "Damn it, Hamada, you really see through me, don't you?"

He laughed, kissing her forehead.

"Yes I do. I've gotta go now, gotta make sure Aunt Cass isn't freaking out about me not being home. I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

"Okay, See you later, Hiro."

"See ya later."

With that, he released her and waved goodbye as he left her home. She smiled and walked down to her room, despite feeling pretty exhausted from their last battle. As soon as she stepped into her room, she walked over to her desk and pulled out Rover's microchip.


She walked over to the deactivated robot and pushed in the microchip, starting him up. As soon as his eyes opened, she hugged him tightly.

"...We won..." She whispered as she felt his arms wrap around her, "We WON..."

"Congratulations, Kira," he said, his eyes changing to a soft pink.

"What does pink symbolize?"

"From what my database is saying, it means Happiness."

"Good, cause I'm happy too..." She released him and smiled, "So... What do you think I should do about..." She trailed off, sitting down in her computer chair and sighing, "My dad helped us and... I don't know if I want to forgive him or not..." She looked up at Rover, ((fun fact, in the written version I accidently wrote Elizabeth instead of Rover xD)) "what do you think I should do...?"

"...Listen to your heart," He replied, "What do you think you should do? If he seems like he wants to become apart of your family again, maybe it's time to trust him and allow him back in. Or, you don't have to."

She stood up from her chair, "Right... I'll decide by tonight when I go to the station..."

He nodded, and she placed a hand on his access port, "You sound just like her..."

"Do you want me to accompany you later tonight?"

"I'm hoping everyone will," She smiled, "It'll be like a little field trip. Except we don't know what we're going to expect then..." She shrugged, picking up her cellphone and opening up the group message.

Kira: Hey guys, you mind coming with me to the train station at 6:30? We'll meet up at my house at 6. And Hamada, if you come, Bring Baymax!

A few minutes later, she got their replies.

Hiro: Yup, Baymax and I'll be there!

Honey: Of course, Rose Petal!

GoGo: Sure, Kid

Fred: I'll come! Group adventure!

Wasabi: I'll drive.

Kira: Alright, see you then!

She put down her phone and turned on her computers.

"Might I ask what you're doing?" Rover asked.

"Gonna record something for one of Mathew's friends, since I pretty much co-own a couple of their accounts."

She grinned and turned back to her computer, preparing for her recording session.


Kira was a little quiet, but talked to them most of the ride there. None of them knew what to expect, since Mathew's note had only asked Kira to meet her and her father at the train station.

"What do you think they want?" Honey asked, looking over at Kira.

"...I'm not sure... If it's a train station, one of them is leaving," She replied, "Besides, it's an odd place for a chat, isn't it?"


As soon as they reached the station, Baymax and Rover had to get it first, everyone for out of the car.

"Where are they?" GoGo asked, looking around for the men.

"I think I see them!" Fred pointed to two figures in the distance that seemed to be Brandon and Mathew. They ran over to the two men with nervous smiles on their faces.

"Mathew! Dad!" Kira called, and the pair turned around to face the group.

"So you all came?" Mathew asked, looking around at everyone.

"Yeah," Kira replied, "I wanted them all with me... You never stated if I couldn't. So... Why did you ask me to come here...?"

The two men exchanged some looks for a couple of moments before they both sighed.

"Kira..." Brandon started.

"...Brandon and I need to head back to San Andreas." Mathew finished.

((A/N: Two more chapters left ;~; Also, I'm excited because I'm going to Anime Boston!! In the very last A/N I'll post after the last chapter, I'll show my Cosplay to you all! It's an old photo because I used this Cosplay for Pax East :3
Also, I'll probably either finish off this book within this week or the next c: ))


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