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She was never a huge fan of bot fights in general, let alone going to illegal ones. It wasn't like she wasn't any good at bot fighting, no, she was actually quite skilled. It was just the shear fact that she could easily get caught at the wrong time with the wrong people, and wind up in jail. Lucky for her, she always thought ahead for the fight before she got there and had an escape route. Normally, after she had won her money, she had left the site. But tonight, there was something... Different, sort of, about the current fights that it made her want to stay. This man named Yamma seemed to win each fight against him. Even the most skilled fighters who had won the majority of their games lost to Yamma. She found it rather intriguing, but did not want to lose her own money, so she decided against trying to challenge him. Instead, she stood in the shadows of the alley, hidden from the view, but still able to watch all of the fights. Yamma had just destroyed another challenger's robot. He laughed and collected his money. "Would anyone else like to challenge me?" He called, looking around the crowd. 'You're all fools...' She thought, shaking her head lightly. Her short, brunette hair strands fell in her face slightly, but she quickly brushed it away, curiously looking around to see who would try to challenge Yamma. "Um... Can I try?" A young male voice replied. Everyone, including herself, looked towards the sound of the voice to find the source. It was a boy, probably her age, with messy black hair, and a navy blue hoodie over a red shirt. In one hand he held a controller, and in the other he held a small robot. The bot had a yellow friendly face painted on it, and the rest of it was black. Many of the people laughed, figuring that he would lose. "You need money to fight, kid," A woman replied, still laughing, "Oh... I-Is this enough...?" He asked, and held up a handful of money. 'Got guts, that's for sure...' She thought, 'I wonder if he has something up his sleeves...?' "What's your name, kid?" Yamma asked. "Hiro. Hiro Hamada..." 'Hamada? There's no way he could be... Could he?' She stared at Hiro, tugging at her black, sleeveless shirt. It swayed in the breeze, along with her hair and dark blue pants. On her back she had a backpack that looked like it could have wings attached to it, which it secretly did. "Well then, prepare your bot, Zero." She watched as Hiro placed his own money on a tray that the woman held in front of him, next to Yamma's, and the pair sat down. They put their bots down and the woman put a Chinese umbrella in between them. "Two bots enter..." The crowd chanted, "One bot leaves." She pulled up the umbrella, and the fight started. Yamma humored Hiro's bot for a moment, letting it come close to the robot, before it sliced the bot into 3 pieces. Yamma laughed and collected his winnings as Hiro stared down at his bot in disbelief. "That was my first fight!" He claimed, and looked up at Yamma, "Can I try again?"
"No one likes a sore loser, kid."
"I have more money."
He held up a roll of dollars, and her mouth fell open. 'Is this kid loaded or something?' She thought, 'Or is he just... Hm?' When Hiro placed his money on the tray, she noticed a large grin on his face. 'Oh, he's a hustler, isn't he?' She chuckled to herself, watching the fight restart. "Megabot," Hiro commanded, making his controller larger, "Destory." His bot's face changed from the friendly yellow to a evil red, and easily started to destroy Yamma's bot. 'I hope he has an escape route. My guess is that Yamma won't be very happy...' She sighed gently, and saw that Hiro's bot had completely destroyed Yamma's, and, funny enough, bowed afterwards, and the face returned to its original yellow one. With a satisfied grin, Hiro collected his money. "Impossible!!" Yamma yelled, "No one beats Yamma." "I won fair and square," Hiro replied, "just beginner's luck." Yamma reached over and grabbed Hiro by his collar, lifting him up in the air. "H-Hey," Hiro gulped, "L-Let's not be rash, here..." That's when she stepped out of the shadows. "How about you pick on someone your own size, Yamma?" She said, "It's rather unfair you pick on a child, isn't it?" "I'm 14..." Hiro mumbled, "Your point?" Yamma replied, his expression furious. "My point being you clearly underestimated a young bot fighter, and he won. So beating him up for that is just plain stupid." "Are you calling me stupid?!" He growled, dropping Hiro, "I guess I am-" One of Yamma's "friends" cut her off by shoving her into a wall, and she her a sort of electrical sound. 'Crap...' She thought, glaring up at the man in front of her, holding her by her neck, 'I think he short-circuited the wings...' She grit her teeth, and looked over at Hiro. "Run, you moron!" She gasped out, trying to free herself. He just stared, a little panicked, as if he was deciding something. He seemed like he wanted to help her, but had no clue how to. However, he didn't need to, because of someone coming towards them, on a motorcycle. The bright light of the headlight and the loud roaring sound it emitted was enough for the men and women to run out of the way, and for the one holding the brunette by her neck to drop her, leaving her gasping for air and holding onto her neck. "Hiro! Get on!" She heard a familiar male voice call out for Hiro, and she looked up. "Tadashi!" Hiro said cheerfully, and hopped onto the bike. 'So he is related to Tadashi...' She thought, managing to stand up. "Well, this certainly was interesting," She smirked and faced the bot fighters, "But I've gotta run as well. See ya!" She hit a button on the side of her backpack that would normally open up her wings, but nothing happened. "Uh oh..." She muttered, "Well... Things aren't going great today, are they...?" She backed up slightly as the fighters started coming towards her, Tadashi and Hiro. Tadashi narrowed his eyes at the girl in front of him before he realized who she was. "Kira?!"
Well, this isn't my first fanfic, however it is my first basing it off of something where I have to try to get the events in it correct, if that made any sense haha. Um... Feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)
Okay bye~

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