seventy five

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harry is supposed to arrive back in la in a few hours, and zain is happy. although it's only been a couple days since they last seen one another, it almost feels like an eternity since then. but then again, zain does tend to come off as a bit dramatic—especially when it comes to his cute curly haired boyfriend.

fortunately, zain is free from work today, therefore he'd be able to be here when harry got back from the uk. until then, he's just been trying to keep himself occupied until the time would come he'd be able to see his boyfriend again. for the most part, he spent the day playing on the game console. occasionally texting his friends, and turning down those asking if he wanted to go out and do something today.

not that he didn't want to hang out with his friends, but he wanted to be here to greet his boyfriend. zain knows harry will most likely be tired seeing as he has a twelve hour flight, but zain also doesn't mind cuddling up to him and sleeping the day away either. so, whatever plans any of his friends had in mind would just have to wait for a little while.

the hours passed by slow and agonizing. it seemed as if every time zain checked the time, it hadn't gone anywhere at all. probably because he was too hyper aware of it, but he couldn't help it—he just wanted to time to pass faster. not only did he miss harry, but the boredom was also driving him insane.

zain huffs before deciding to turn back on his game console and immerse himself into gaming for a couple more hours—at least until his boyfriend got here. zain distracts himself, getting lost in another game as the time passes unbearably slow. only to be interrupted a while later when there is a knock at the door.
zain pauses his game abruptly, frowns slightly.

he wasn't expecting anyone right now, and harry still had a few hours left on his flight. maybe it was one of his friends, they tend to show up out of the blue at the most random times. but why the hell would they when zain clearly said he didn't want to hang out today? zain sets the controller down before getting up to head towards the door.

"who is it?" zain asks as he stops in front of the door, curling his fingers around the knob. there's no answer, so zain rolls his eyes in annoyance and looks through the peephole to see who it was. however, his heart seizes in his chest when he sees an all too familiar face standing outside. his grip on the knob tightens, a sinking feeling within his stomach.

zain swings the door open, his jaw clenching slightly as he comes face to face with a man he had hoped he didn't have to deal with ever again. their eyes meet as they stand there staring at one another wordlessly. a smirk slowly creeps onto the man's face standing before zain.

"it's been a long time, hasn't it?" he says. zain's jaw clenched slightly.

"what are you doing here?" zain questions through clenched teeth. the man chuckles deeply.

"i wanted to check in on an old friend, is that such a bad thing?" he asks, crooked smile settling on his lips. zain could see right through him though. there's no way he'd be here without some sort of ulterior motive.

"you can't- you shouldn't be here." zain tells him, and even though he's being stern, his voice still shakes as impending dread fills up within him.

"oh don't be like that, i just wanted to see how you were doing," he says, slipping a cigarette from a pocket at the top of his jacket proceeding to light it. zain watches him with narrowed eyes, observing his every move on high alert. he blows smoke out, before meeting with zain's eyes again. "heard you've been doing good since you been out of rehab."

"yeah, and i intend on continuing to do that." zain replies bluntly, the initial shock and fear fading away, transforming into anger instead. zain doesn't even know why he would be here. of all people, he is the last person that zain needs to be dealing with at this time in his life.

after getting out rehab zain has tried so hard to distant himself from any thing or anybody who were triggers and enablers to his previous drug addiction. he doesn't need to be around any of that, especially after being clean thus far. that's the main reason why he'd cut off most of his friends, and people he'd used to be close with. he can't relapse now, not after all he'd been through. he doesn't want to return to that dark time in his life—not when he'd finally found happiness.

"you don't need to be so tense around me, i'm not here to cause any trouble." he says, taking a drag off the cigarette between his fingers. zain's eye twitches.

"then what are you here for? i thought it was clear that my ties with you were broken when i left." zain says.

"i just wanted to talk."

"i don't want to talk to you." zain replies bluntly, with a blank expression. the man raises an eyebrow, blowing out a cloud of smoke in zain's direction. his hand clutches onto the door tighter in annoyance. the man in front of him holds the cigarette away from his face, keeping his eyes trained on zain as he reaches down into the pocket of his pants. slowly pulling something out. zain watches him carefully, eyes observing his hands.

he freezes as his eyes catch the sight of a clear bag with a white substance inside. the man pulls it completely out of his pocket and holds it up. zain inhales sharply, his breath getting caught in his throat. his jaw clenches tighter as his heart speeds up. he quickly looks away and glares at the man, his body starting to tremble slightly. a smirk is planted on the man's lips as he looks at zain.

"do you want to talk now?"


updated finally! i'm so terribly sorry it took so long. the writer's block was killing me.

please comment and let me know people even still read this story, and tell me what your predictions are!

who was that man? 👀

i promise i'll try to update again sooner this time 💚

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