thirty eight

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"baby you're so adorable."

"zen, you said that for like the hundredth time in the last twenty minutes."

"did i? i haven't noticed."

"yes, yes you did."

"i'm sorry, i can't help it."

*harry giggles*
"it's okay, i like it when you say that."

"i like spoiling you with compliments."
*zain winks*

*harry laughs*
"i appreciate every single one of them."

"as you should, babe. anyways, can i ask you something?"

"you just did."

"don't start with me harry styles."

*harry laughs*
"okay fine, what is it?"

"i just wanted to know if you wanted to meet my friends sometime?"


"yeah, aside from luke and ashton since you already met them. but, we've been together for almost two months, and they wanted us to all hang out sometime. and of course i don't wanna exclude you, so.."

"it's okay, i just uh- i- i'm not- i don't know."

"it'll be fun haz. they are nice, trust me, i don't hang around assholes...well except niall, but like the rest are really cool."

"i want to... i'm just really shy... especially with groups of people."

"i know you're shy baby, you still get shy around me. it's quite cute."

*harry blushes*

"if you don't want to though, it's fine beb."

"i guess, i can go.."

"you sure?"

"as long as you're with me, i think i'll be fine.. can't say i'll talk a lot though."

"oh baby, you don't need to, just sit there and look pretty. my friends are motor mouths anyway, they'll do plenty of talking for the both of you."

"you're a motor mouth too."

"not sure if i should take that as a compliment or insult."

"maybe a little of both."

"i guess we can roll with that."

*harry snickers*

"as much as i wanna hog up all your time and keep you to myself, i think it'll be fun for you to meet them, and make new friends, cause i know you don't many of your own."

"yeah, maybe so."

"oh yeah, i forgot to tell you. i will be going back into work soon."

"oh? where?"

"i worked at a popular tattoo shop in town, i was an artist, but obviously i had to quit because i went away for a couple months.."


"but, my work buddies have really been helping me out.. since i've been out of work, they helped me. they made a huge donation and paid off a shit load of bills i got behind on while i was away, and left over money was given to me."

"wow z, that's amazing.. you must really be close with them. that was nice of them to do."

"yeah, i am thankful. i'd be in a shit load of debt if it weren't for them. once i got out, i was told i can come back to work whenever i felt ready. and i feel ready now."

"got out of where? were you, uh, in jail or something?"

*zain laughs softly*

"wait, don't answer's none of my business."

"it's okay, baby."

"well, i'm glad you decided to go back to work. it will be really good for you."

"yeah, i love it. but, i'll be really sad, losing quality time with you."
*zain pokes his lip out.*

*harry smiles softly*
"it's okay, i don't work, you can always come to my house and take a nap after a long day at work."

*zain wipes a fake tear away*
"oh beb, you're so good to me."

*harry laughs*

*zain stares at harry*
"you're such a breath of fresh air, you know that?"

*harry grins, blushing*
"so are you."

*zain smiles*
"i'm happy to have met you."

"me too."

"we haven't been together long, but trust me, as we go deeper into this, i swear i will make you the happiest vampire on this earth."

"omg zen not this again, i'm not a vampire!"

"you thought i forgot? not i, mr.styles."

*harry giggles*
"you're such a dork."

"as long as i'm your dork, nothing else matters."


my zarry heart is throbbing today ❤️

i'm sure you all know what's up with zain, but let's hear your theories in the comments please!! i wanna have a conversation with you lovely people, y'all really make my day ❤️☺️

(some of the texts might be on the wrong side, wattpad is trash)

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