forty two

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harry spent the night at zain's house. they've been taking turns spending nights over at one another's house from time to time. last night was just a cozy night of snuggling and making out. not much was done, but none the less, they enjoyed every second of it with each other. no matter what they did, or how they did it, they always enjoyed each other's company, even things that would be considered boring. but, that's just how well they connected. they could make the best out of anything.

harry loved having zain's arms around him, and have him tell him plenty of times how beautiful he was and shower him in affection. harry soaked it all up as if he'd been starving for it, which he had. zain has been giving him all the care and attention he wanted, and harry's returning it all the best he can. the two have bonded so much over the four months they've been together, it feels like it's been way longer.

their feelings for one another are sprouting bigger and bigger as the days go on. there is still so much they wanna learn about one another, and a lot more they wanna do. zain was so smitten with harry. when he first met him, he swore it was love at first sight, something he didn't believe in. he was still sure of it, but obviously it was way too soon to say that to harry. he didn't want to say anything to ruin his and harry's relationship.

for now, he just really really really really, likes harry.

last night, zain ended up falling asleep before harry. they watched a couple movies once they had settled into bed for the night. zain was the first to wake up, which is surprising considering he always wakes up last, because he's literally a snorlax in human form and usually sleeps the day away. but, his brain decided to wake his ass up early this morning. zain's eyes flutter open and his view is over taken by his beautiful boyfriend, sleeping soundly next to him.

when he fell asleep, harry was facing away from him, being his little spoon, but now he's facing towards him, both his hands underneath his head between his cheek and the pillow, and his hair falling over his face. zain smiles fondly and reaches over to brush his hair from his face. he was so pretty when he slept, zain thought harry was pretty doing any and everything. the smile never leaves his face as he watches him sleep, like a creeper, while he strokes his cheek.

however, his smile does start to falter when his eyes travel down his face and towards his neck and catches something. beneath harry's choker, the one he literally never takes off, he spots a line going across his neck where the choker had slightly moved up. it looks like a bruise. he can't really make out how far it stretches because it's still slightly hidden under the choker. zain frowns. what is that? zain can't help but to reach over, slightly ghosting his finger over it. he gasps slightly. it felt like a scar or something. which made zain wonder how the hell it got there.

he does remember harry mentioning how he got in an accident, which is how his ear got damaged. he never went in detail, he just knows it was an accident and of course zain assumes he was in a bad car accident or something. but then again, this also could've just been a bruise from him wearing the choker for so long and not taking it off, zain wasn't sure. when harry starts to stir, he quickly moves his hand and places it on the back of harry's neck, stroking it softly. zain smiles softly as harry's eyes pop open slowly.

"morning baby." zain cooes. harry smiles lightly, sliding his hands from under his head and rubbing his eyes.

"morning z baby." harry responds. zain smirks.

"that's a new one, z baby. sounds like a rapper name, i like it." zain says, then leans forward kissing harry. harry giggles, kissing him back, placing his hand on zain's cheek. they kiss for a good minute, and zain is the first to pull away. "god, i can't get enough of you. i could kiss you forever." zain groans, leaning in to kiss him again. harry chuckles, pulling away briefly.

"we did enough of that last night." harry says. zain shakes his head.

"it's never enough." zain pouts, kissing harry again. harry giggles, and kisses him too. after about ten more minutes, harry pulls back for air, laughing.

"okay, that's enough." he says, and zain groans. harry sits up slightly, talking his cheek. "are we doing anything today?"

"mm, what you wanna do baby?"

"c-can we go shopping? i haven't been to a mall in a while.." harry asks nervously. zain raises an eyebrow at harry's sudden change in emotion, but nods.

"of course baby." zain replies. harry smiles, and kisses zain's cheek.

"wanna shower first? or me first?"

"ladies first." zain jokes. harry smacks his chest, glaring at him playfully. zain laughs as harry gets out of the bed. harry takes a shower first and after he's done, he walks back into the room with the towel wrapped around his chest, the towel barely reaching down to his mod thigh. zain shamelessly stares at him, biting his lip. harry crosses his arms.

"out." harry says. zain pouts, but leaves the room anyway, heading to take a shower himself. once they are both dressed, they are out to zain's car and on their way to the mall. on the way there, zain had some old r&b music playing through the car. he kept singing love lines to harry without really even trying to sing, making harry laugh at how silly he sounded. he sang all the way to the mall, and once he parked the car, and turned the car off, he smiles at harry.

"how'd you enjoy your little concert?" zain asks. harry grins.

"it was perfect." he chuckles.

"good, thank me with a big smooch." zain says, puckering his lips. harry giggles and leans over kissing him. zain hums, gripping his chin.

"c'mon z baby, let's go shop." harry whines, against his lips. zain pulls away and nods. they get out of the car and zain comes around after locking the car, grabbing harry's hand and they walk together into the mall. harry squeezes zain's hand tighter when the walk into the crowded mall. harry hasn't been here in a while, he didn't even know where to go first.

they ended up going into almost all the stores they passed by. zain had bought like one thing, and harry bought a few things from a couple stores, including a cute jacket that zain bought for him. harry insisted that he didn't need to get him anything, but zain shut him up with a kiss and got it for him anyway, because he knew harry would love it. so, in return harry made zain let him buy them some lunch at the food court, and zain couldn't resist those little bambi eyes.

after shopping around, they got their lunch to go and went back to zain's place where they ate in the lounge. harry stealing bits and pieces of zain's food here and there, and zain made him stop by jumping on him and tickling him until he apologized and surrendered. eventually they finished off their food and settled on taking a dip in the pool, where really all the fun happened.

despite the fun, and the good times zain always has with harry, he still had one thing nagging him in the back of his head.

what happened to harry's neck?


dedicated to My1313 love all of your comments and want for more, it's always inspiring when someone shows so much genuine interest x

what happened to harry? what's this accident about?

what's y'all prediction? and 15 votes and 8 comments. (you guys are doing so good! thanks for keeping me motivated to write more and more for you. i love y'all ❤️) x

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