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zain walks across the skatepark towards a line of trees, as he is reading over harry's text that says he's getting closer. once he gets a little closer towards them, he can see the tip of a shoe poking out from the bottom of the tree and he smirks to himself, clicking on his keyboard.

zain 😆
okay i know where you're hiding 😈

as soon as he sends harry that text, he then sees the foot quickly move back behind the tree, confirming zain's suspicion. harry texts him back an emoji and zain smiles, before putting his phone back into his pocket and starts walking towards the tree harry's most definitely hiding behind.

he slowly closes in and rounds the tree to see harry, who is sitting on the ground with his knees pulled to his chest and his hair is hanging over his face and his phone held between both of his clasped hands. zain smiles down at him, clearing his throat. harry's head snaps up.

zain's smile drops immediately once he sees harry, and it's almost like he moves in slow motion as he lifts his head to look up at zain. his hair moves from his face, letting zain see him completely and all zain can think about is how he had never seen anything or anyone as beautiful as harry is. shit, he seen a few pictures of harry while lurking on his profile, but he usually had only half of his face showing and his filters were always black and white. so, seeing harry in person was a whole new sight.

a beautiful sight and zain couldn't help but stare at him like a deer caught in the headlights. zain definitely wasn't prepared for this. everything he wanted to say left his mind in an instant and left him speechless. harry's lips turn up into a shy smile as he looks at zain and waves. zain couldn't even bring himself to do that. he felt like he couldn't move at the moment, but as harry makes a move to pick himself up, zain's hand shoots out to offer him help.

harry blushes and takes his hand, and when their hands touch zain can feel a soothing warmth pass through him, seeming to make his heart skip several beats. zain sucks in a breath and swiftly pulls harry up to his feet. zain bites his lip, as his eyes travel up and down harry's body, shamelessly. zain clenches his fist when his eyes come across a choker resting snuggly on harry's neck. jesus christ, hold it together zain. harry's face was turning red as he clenches his hands in front of him nervously. zain has to force himself to stop staring before he scared poor harry off.

"hey beau- harry." zain corrected himself quickly.

"hi zain.." harry replies, timidly. zain's heart races slightly at the sound of his voice. deep, but soft and sweet. zain never heard anything like it. harry pushes his hair behind his right ear subconsciously, and zain frowns slightly when he sees something attached to it. zain then realizes it's a hearing aid, and he tries not to react and make harry feel uncomfortable.

"wanna go sit?" zain says, talking a little louder, hoping he didn't offend harry, but he needed to sit down before his knees gave out. harry nods and zain leads him over to a set of benches near the sidewalk. they both sit down, a few inches apart and zain looks at harry again, his eyes going to the hearing aid again, curiosity getting the best of his. "harry, i didn't know you were uh.. deaf? or are you deaf? i hope i don't sound like an asshole or anything but like- can you hear me? wait, no, don't answer that."

harry giggles softly, making zain have chest pains. "i- i can hear you. i-i'm not completely deaf, j-just in my right ear a little.." harry trails off biting his lip. zain nods in understanding, and he doesn't wanna question harry any further about it. instead zain offers him a smile.

"i'm happy to finally see you." zain admits. and he's really happy now after seeing harry up close and personal.

"i- i am too." harry says, clenching his hands tighter. he's still nervous and he can't help but to stutter.

"you better, especially after sending me on a scavenger hunt to find you." zain laughs, leaning closer to harry. he smells so good, like summertime and fruit. harry's still blushing red.

"s-sorry, i just got too nervous approach you.." harry murmurs, trying to keep his eyes down.

"it's okay, but don't be nervous around me, no judgement here." zain reassures him, subconsciously patting harry's thigh. he honestly couldn't help himself. harry looked so soft, and touchable. but for god sakes this is their first meet up and he needs to control himself. zain takes his hand away, clasping it tightly in his other one. harry is still avoiding his eyes and zain raises an eyebrow. "are you okay?"

"uh, yeah.. it's just- you don't have a uh, shirt on." harry mumbles, his cheeks flushing again. zain smirks remembering that he had removed his shirt shortly before harry got here, he almost forgot he did.

"oh, you're right. maybe you should take yours off too so i won't feel alone." zain says slyly. harry's eyes widen slightly, and zain laughs. "i'm kidding." he says, but deep down he really wasn't.

"you're funny." harry smiles. zain winks at him.

"i know i am." zain stands up, and offers harry his hand again, even though he clearly has two working legs, he can't help it. "wanna watch me skate? i wanna show off." zain smiles. harry returns one and nods his head, taking zain's hand.

"okay tony hawk, show off." harry giggles. zain just wants to melt into a puddle. fuck.

"oh, i definitely will." he replies, then he pulls harry towards luke and ashton to grab his board.


yayy zarry met! 😏 what did you think? xx

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