fifty seven

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harry giggles as he sips on his strawberry slushie, sitting on the bench. selena was sitting next to him with a matching blueberry slushie, laughing as well. zain, niall, luke, and ashton were all skating and doing tricks on their boards on the ramps and rails— liam recording a few of them on his phone camera, bursting into laughter whenever one of them would mess up or fall on their ass.

niall wasn't that much of a good skater like the rest of them, so he messed up the most, but it definitely gave everyone a good laugh. harry couldn't take his eyes off zain the whole time, he was really good and not to mention he looked sexy as well. harry couldn't believe how his life was turning out now. just last year he had no friends at all, he locked himself in his house and was left to his troubling thoughts alone. now fast forward a couple weeks, he was surrounded by friends, and has a boyfriend who cares so much about him it makes him overwhelmed sometimes.

harry never saw his life being like this before. he swore months ago that he would be alone for a very long time, the only person he had was his father, who was in another country and was unable to see him face to face. harry doesn't know how many times he's cried everyday before all of this. when loneliness would swallow him up every single night. and when he found himself falling deeper into the darkness, when he felt himself start to fall underneath the surface, zain came along and pulled him out of the water. harry could swear that zain was a guardian angel sent from the gods above, a god that harry started to not believe in anymore through all his pain and suffering. but now, everything was okay, everything was better.

"omg h, i love your nails, they're so cute." selena suddenly says, noticing harry's painted nails. she grabs his hand examining his nails. harry blushes, sinking slightly. he always became self conscious when it came to his nails, even if someone was complimenting him.

"t-thank you, zain painted them for me." harry tells her. they were baby blue and pink, with both his thumbs having glittery nail polish on them. he smiles lightly when he remembers last night, zain taking notice in his chipped paint and offering to pain his nails. then he kissed him and told him how beautiful he was cause he knew how sensitive harry was about it. harry never felt more on top of the world than he did last night. not to mention the activities that took place afterwards, harry blushes madly at the thought.

"that was sweet of him, he's so soft for you." selena gushes. harry giggles.

"he's a big teddy bear." harry says, selena laughs in agreement. for once they lose interest in what the guys are doing and start having a conversation of their own. mostly talking about their interests, and how life is going. harry really enjoys his friendship with selena, she's really the only girl he has made friends with at the moment, so it was special. and they were enjoying their little talk, until harry felt someone walk up to them and stand in front of them. both selena and harry look up, harry frowning in confusion and selena narrowing her eyes. it was a girl with light toffee colored skin, curly brown locks falling down her shoulders and a curly bang hanging above her brown eyes. harry's never seen her before.


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"hey." she says, looking down at harry.

"uh, hi." harry speaks quietly. he's not good with new people or strangers, so he becomes shy and doesn't exactly know what to say.

"i'm zendaya." she smiles and holds her hand out for harry to shake. harry glances at selena who is staring at zendaya with an annoyed look. harry bites his lip and shakes her hand timidly.

"h-harry." he replies. zendaya releases his head and sits down next to them, harry scooting over a bit to make room for her.

"so, you're zain's boyfriend? i've been seeing him post so much about you lately, you're a lot prettier in person." she smiles. harry was a bit confused, but nods his head.

"yeah...who are you?" he asked.

"just an old friend." she replies, looking down.

"yeah, and what are you doing here? with her?" selena snaps. harry looks at selena in confusion, but then he turns and he sees gigi standing near zain and they seem to be in a heated conversation over to the side. harry swallows thickly, not having a good feeling about it. after what gigi said to him, he wanted in no way shape or form to be involved with her or even be near her. he'd never even met her in person, so his nerves started to rise.

"we're friends." zendaya stated, biting her lip. "plus we were passing through and we saw you guys, and i wanted to meet harry. zain talks so much about him, and i haven't talked to him in a while."

"i don't trust anyone who's friends with gigi, she's a snake." selena says. zendaya sighs.

"well, i don't really have anyone else to talk to, everyone pretty much stopped talking to me." zendaya tells her.

"i wonder why." selena says sarcastically. zendaya sighs deeply, looking at her.

"are you guys going to hold that over my head forever?" zendaya asked. harry sat between the two, clasping his sweaty hands in his lap as they bickered. he didn't have a clue what the two were talking about, so he just stayed quiet. he looks over to where zain and gigi are again, they were still arguing about something inaudible, until zain seems to have enough of it and storms off. zain bends down, angrily grabbing his skateboard and starts walking over to harry. harry wants nothing then to jump up and run to him, but he nervously waits until he reaches them.

"babe, c'mon we're leaving." zain says, still sounding pissed but his voice is a little lighter when he speaks to harry. he holds his hand out to harry, who gladly accepts— zain pulling him up, keeping their hands in one another's. zain looks and glares at zendaya. "what are you doing here?" he snapped.

"zain, c-can we talk? ple-"

"save it." zain cuts her off, then he pulls harry off, walking towards the car. they pass gigi on the way, and she glares so harshly at harry that harry ducks his head. when they make it to zain's car, they stop at the side of the car near the front passenger door. "ignore her h, she's just a bitter bitch." zain tells him, running his fingers through his harrys hair. harry nods.

"are you okay z?"

"i'm okay babes, i'm just so annoyed. i don't know what's her deal. she just won't give it a rest." zain clenches his jaw, pinching the bridge of his nose. harry wraps his arms around zain, hugging him, resting his head on his shoulder— in hopes of calming him. of course it works, zain immediately snaking his arms around harry's waist, holding him closer, brushing his hand down harry's lengthy hair, and kisses the top of harry's head. "i'm okay baby." zain tells him. harry nods slightly, pouting when zain pulls away, but zain smiles. "wanna go get ice cream?"

a grin makes its way onto harry's face, and he nods eagerly, "yes."

zain pecks him on the lips and then turns to open the door for him, "good, let's go."

the couple takes off to grab ice cream, and to spend the rest of their day stress and drama free.


what's your predictions?

love you guys

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