sixty seven

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an: chapter has LOTS of dialogue, lol. so i hope it's not annoying for you guys.

also, mentions of violence, suicide, etc. don't read if you find that triggering.



when they got back to harry's house, they agreed on waking up and getting into comfortable clothing before settling down into harry's king sized bed. harry is sitting against the head board with his hands clasped together in his lap, riddling with his thumbs nervously. zain is sitting next to him with his arm sling over harry's shoulders, rubbing his arm softly. the blanket is pulled up to their thighs comfortably, and the room is silent as zain patiently waits for harry.

harry was so nervous, he was sitting there gathering up every piece of information in his brain like he was under an interrogation. the unforgettable memories of those tragic events now swirling around in his head, fresh. like reopening the wounds that we finally starting to mend back together. this was what he was dreading on telling zain since he's known him, he knew that one day it would be bound to come up, and he was going to have to say something sooner or later.

he didn't want to keep zain in the dark about his life and his past. zain has always been so open with him, and he's always made harry aware of certain aspects of his life. harry felt he needed to open up more as well. he's been with zain going on seven months now, and he's completely smitten for the older male. he trusts zain more than anything and anyone, and he feels that he should be able to talk to zain about these things. even though he didn't get to do it on his own time, he still felt the need to just let it all out now. there was no need to hide it any longer.

even though harry was scared of letting out his deepest darkest times in his life, now was the time to finally get it off his chest, to talk to someone about it, someone he trusted and cared about. normally, harry spoke to his therapist about these things, but that was their job. harry wanted someone who was close to him to talk to, and he's never had anyone, until he met zain. he could finally be able to confide in someone who isn't just doing it for a paycheck.

"beb, you really don't have to if you're not ready." zain pipes up after a long silence when harry hasn't spoken yet. harry snaps out of his thoughts as looks at zain. he shakes his shake slightly.

"no, no, i want to z.. i just, i needed a moment." harry murmurs softly.

"you sure, h? i won't be mad, i promise." zain tells him, squeezing his arm gently. harry nods, leaning against zain. zain kisses the top of his head. harry closes his eyes briefly, inhaling sharply. he sighs deeply, trying to prepare himself. here goes nothing and everything.

"m-my dad, he's uh, he," harry pauses, taking a breath. zain gives him a reassuring squeeze, encouraging him to continue. "he's a notorious gang leader, so uh.. you can only imagine how life was for me." harry says. zain raises an eyebrow in surprise, he was not expecting that, but instead of saying anything, he let's harry continue.

"he was also drug lord, so his job was very dangerous, and he dealt with a lot of sketchy and dangerous people. that was one of the reasons why i was home schooled my whole life... he was very protective of me, and always had me under a watchful eye." harry says, his eyes remaining down at his hands as his fingers twiddled nervously with one another.

"he had a lot of enemies, and he didn't want anything bad to happen to me. so, i did schooling at home, i was usually always on my own and i stayed in the house most days. the only time i was allowed out was when he was with me or if i had an escort to watch over me. even though i didn't have friends, i still lived a pretty good life. we were pretty wealthy from doing whatever it was my dad was doing. we lived in a big house, had nice things, i was an only child so he gave me everything i wanted. we were very close. dad was basically my only friend, and it was always just us two." harry explains. he chews on his bottom lip as he thinks about it. there's a limp starting to form in his throat, but he swallows it down, sucking in a breath.

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