twenty nine

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harry is smiling bashfully at zain who is biting his lip in concentration. harry's hand is a little shaky, but zain holds it still as he paints. when he arrived at harry's house a few hours before, the two didn't do much other then what they usually do. talk about random shit and make playful remarks at one another. neither of them brought the conversation about the two confessing their feelings to one another.

harry was too nervous to bring it up, he honestly didn't know what to say or what to do. he's never really liked anyone, because he's never had anyone to connect with. he's pretty much been a home body since he was a kid. growing up as a homeschooled kid and not really getting out enough to meet people, so he was definitely confused and he didn't know how to handle it.

zain on the other hand, definitely planned on bringing it up, but he just wanted to spend time with harry and have some time to think about everything he wanted to say. he could since the nervousness harry was giving off and he tried his best to help him relax and make him feel comfortable. harry really had nothing to worry about. zain was into him, a lot. a lot more than he ever has been with anyone. he was completely infatuated with harry on another level. zain wanted harry to know that.

but, as of now they didn't speak about that, they were just enjoying one another's time. zain offered to paint harry's nails for him when he noticed the paint chilling off of them. harry's eyes lit up so bright and he looked so happy for zain to have even considered doing that. zain thought he looked so cute and he would do anything to keep harry happy, even if it meant painting his nails for him every time. he was so damn whipped already for him.

zain worked on the last nail, and once he was done and smiles and sits the polish down on the table. harry spreads his fingers out on both hands and smiles widely at his nails. they were bright yellow with smiley faces on each of them. harry couldn't hold back the shit eating grin on his face.

"you like them?" zain asked softly.

"they're so pretty z." harry says happily. zain smiles in adoration. harry stares at his nails again, before looking back at zain. "thank you so much."

"anytime, haz." zain winks. harry carefully moves closer to zain and wraps his arms around him in a gentle hug. zain hugs him back firmly, rubbing his back.

"you're the best." harry says. zain smiles.

"i know." zain says in a cocky voice. harry grins and pulls away from him, playfully pushing zain. zain laughs, and they smile at each other as it becomes quiet again and they're left staring at one another, both of them with thoughts weighing on their minds. harry looks down at his fingers again, smiling at them. zain suddenly grabs harry's hand to get his attention. harry looks back up at him, tilting his head. "remember when i said i wanted to ask you something?" zain says.

"yeah." harry mumbles softly. zain bites his lip, giving harry this look that harry couldn't really figure out. harry didn't know what to expect and he was getting nervous. he didn't know why, but having zain staring at him deadly quiet did make him nervous, he just wanted to know what was going on in his head and if it was the same thing he had in his own.

"you already know that i like you.." zain says, trailing off. harry bites his lip, and nods slowly.

"yeah.." harry replies. zain inhales softly.

"and it's not just some stupid crush haz. i like you a lot. a lot more than you realize." zain says. harry smiles weakly.

"i felt that way since when our eyes first met and the moment you opened your mouth and spoke to me. trust me, i've crushed before, but nothing like this. no one ever made me feel like you do on such short notice, and usually i start to lose interest quickly, but with you, i don't. you're on my mind all the time, all day long. and i know we've only been friends for like four months, and maybe i shouldn't feel this strongly for you, but i do and i can't help the way i feel."

harry's heart is racing as he listens to zain rant and he doesn't know how to respond, he completely forgets how to form words. harry's cheeks are tinted pink. he chews on his lip and looks down at zain's hand that's still gripping his, slightly firmer than before.

"and when you told me you liked me too, it made me happy that you somewhat returned those feelings. i don't know if how you feel is as strong as mine, but i just wanted to see if there was a chance.." zain trails off, caressing harry's hand subconsciously. harry breaths out nervously.

"a-a chance for what?" harry asked quietly.

"for us, to be together." zain says finally. harry's heart nearly falls out of his chest and onto the floor. harry couldn't believe that zain actually wanted that. sure, zain told him he liked him, but he didn't know that he was worthy enough to actually be with zain, in a relationship. he was thinking maybe it was a crush and that it would go away pretty quickly, but the way zain was looking at him and how so sincere his words were, harry knew he was serious and harry was nervous and scared. he never ever been in a relationship before, let alone have someone actually like him enough to want to be. he was speechless.

"l-like as b-boyfriends?" harry asks. zain nods at him. harry swallows thickly. his heart wouldn't stop beating so fast in his chest, he felt out of breath. "i- uh, never had a boyfriend before.. or girlfriend, or anyone-"

"i can be your first." zain says, smiling at harry charmingly. harry half smiles, his dimples poking out slightly. zain reaches over and pokes at it, making harry giggle and shy away. harry did really like zain, a lot more than he admitted. he was so funny, confident, crazy and sweet. he always made harry feel better even on his darkest days. harry didn't have someone like that in his life before zain. not anymore anyways... and having someone like zain to talk to through the weeks, really made him happier. zain definitely did something to harry's heart, and he realizes that he does want this too, even if it scares him. he's never been in a relationship before, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. the thought of zain being his boyfriend, did make his stomach flutter. harry bites his bottom lip, looking back at zain.

"o-okay." harry murmurs.

"you wanna be my boyfriend?"

harry pushes hair behind his ear, nodding slowly. "yeah."

a big creepy shit eating grin breaks out onto zain's face and he wants to crush harry's bones in a tight hug, and kiss his lips until they are blue and sore, but instead of being aggressive and scaring harry away, he settles on just leaning in and kissing the side of his mouth softly. harry giggles, blushing slightly. zain grabs both harry's hands.

"i never been with a guy before, but i swear i'll treat you like a fucking prince. i'll make you so happy." zain says, trying to hold his craziness back. he's never been so happy getting in a relationship before. harry smiles.

"y-you already make me happy."

"good, i'll keep doing that then." zain strokes harry's cheek softly. harry leans into his touch, butterflies filling his stomach. "i want to take you on a date too. even though, we've practically already have been on many of them. i want to take you on our first date as boyfriends." zain winks. harry grins, his cheeks still red.

"i- i would love that." harry replies. zain smiles, gripping harry's hands.

"we're gonna have fun."


it took me forever to write this, i kept stopping and getting lazy. lord glad i'm done finally after ten billion years. 💀💀 hope you liked it. x

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