forty nine

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harry was over at zain's house since he was spending the weekend there for their half year anniversary. he was enjoying it too. zain, as usual was so sweet and caring. he was doing everything in his power to make sure harry was comfortable and happy, and keep him smiling as well as laughing. they didn't go out to do nothing special, because they just wanted it to be just the two of them. plus, it wasn't always necessary to go out to have fun. they always kept one another preoccupied, and entertained.

harry was enjoying this, until of course, gigi randomly messaged him. he and zain had been spending some time in the pool in his backyard, before they decided to come inside. they both take turns to take showers to rid of the pool water, harry having went first and getting dressed into nice snug pajamas. now zain's showering and harry's downstairs on the sofa. 

he has his legs crossed indian style, and he couldn't help keep reading over the messages gigi had sent to him only moments again. trying to come up with something to say, but he was so hurt he couldn't get anything to come out. and he couldn't help it when hot tears starte to stream down his cheeks. he felt so dumb for crying over a stupid message, but he couldn't deny that it hurt him.

harry didn't have the best self esteem, so that's not something he needed to see or hear. coming into this relationship, harry already had doubts, and though he grew to trust zain more than anything, he still sometimes doubted himself. he always wondered if he was good enough for zain. because, zain's this wild guy who has a crazy outgoing personality and lots of friends and harry is literally the opposite. and sometimes he wonders, maybe he's not crazy enough for zain, or sexy enough, and maybe is he kinda boring to zain and can't fulfill his needs. so yeah, gigi's words definitely hit a nerve, and it stung.

harry remains there, crying softly. until he hears footsteps passing down the stairs. he sniffles and tries to quickly wipe his tears away.

"babe, sorry i took so long, i got too obsessed over myself in the mirror." zain says as he jumps off the last step and walks over to harry. he is shirtless, only wearing some loose shorts that came down to his knees. harry has his head down and let's his hair fall over his face. he really doesn't want zain to see him crying. it'll ruin the entire mood, and this was supposed to be a good weekend for them. now, harry's ruining it by being so sensitive. "babe?" harry feels zain sit down next to him really close. "are you okay?" zain asked when harry didn't respond.

harry nods, but doesn't lift his head. so, then zain takes the initiative to push harry's hair back and gently cup his chin to make harry look at him. zain frowns, his heart sinking when he sees harry's glossy red eyes and tears stained cheeks. "baby, why are you crying?" zain asked. harry shakes his head, but zain wasn't having. "tell me."

harry looks down sadly, and slowly grabs his phone, handing it to zain. zain frowns, but looks down at the screen. then he sees gigi's name and he immediately knows something was said. so, when he reads the messages and his blood starts to boil. he knew gigi was conniving, and he isn't surprised that she'd go to these lengths just to get at someone to make herself feel good. and to target someone as sweet and kind as harry, who she doesn't even know at all, was just disgusting. and he was so sick of her. "that bitch." zain mumbled through clenched teeth.

harry remained quiet, biting his lip. zain puts down the phone and turns to look at harry. "baby, please tell me you don't believe anything she is saying?"

"n-no." harry says. "but, it still m-makes me sad." zain rubs harry's leg soothingly, shaking his head.

"don't be sad baby." zain tells him. "you are not an experiment to me. i care about you, i care about you a fucking lot. i wouldn't still be here if i didn't."

"i k-know." harry sniffles, wiping his eye.  zain pushes harry's hand away, and pulls harry onto his lap.

"i love you just the way you are. don't let her or anyone else make you think anything different." zain says, wiping harry's eyes. harry nods slowly. zain rubs his cheek softly, before pulling away towards him and giving him a sweet peck on the lips, rubbing the small of his back.

"thank you z." harry murmurs, against zain's lips. zain grips his chin, kissing him again and they stay kissing like that for a moment. zain, reluctantly pulls away first. he smiles at harry when their eyes meet again,

"i love you, h." zain says casually. harry's heart flutters in his chest. but, zain isn't phased cause he knew it all along, since he first laid eyes on harry's. and he's been saying it over and over in his head, but this is the first time he actually said it aloud to harry. harry didn't know what to say, but his heart was swelling humongously in his chest. it just made all of his worries and stress from before fade away.


"shh, you don't have to say nothing." zain says, and kisses harry again on the mouth. harry smiles against them, feeling himself melting into it. harry pulls away for a breather after a while and zain, kisses his neck briefly. "i love you my little squishy baby bear. i'm not about to let anything ruin the day for us, so let's get snuggled up and begin this movie marathon we had in mind okay?"

"okay z, you're the best."

"i know i am." zain winks. harry giggles and pushes zain back before getting off his lap, only to be tackled back down onto the couch, and gets tickled to death.


hope you enjoyed. please comment and tell me what you think!


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