fifty three

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harry and zain showered after zain made them a wonderful dinner, that harry kept reminding zain was so delicious. once they are done and harry's dresses in some comfy jammies and zain wearing just a pair of boxers since he doesn't normally like to sleep with too many clothes on. they settle into harry's big king sized bed. a movie is playing with the volume low as harry snuggles against zain's chest.

zain has his arms wrapped around harry's tummy, caressing the skin exposed from his shirt. harry hummer softly at the touch, keeping his eyes trained on the tv somewhat. throughout the entirety of the movie, zain couldn't resist running his hands over harry's sides and stomach, or to press soft kisses over his neck in which caused harry to giggle at the sensation. that carried on occasionally until the movie finally ended.

"zainie, you were distracting me." harry laughs as he turns off the television and turns around in zain's arms to face him. zain smiles at him and pecks his lips gently,

"that was my intention." zain grunts, leaning to reconnect their lips. harry snickers softly, kissing him back. zain rests one hand on harry's hip and the over over harry's cheek, caressing his skin as they kissed. their lips molded together flawlessly, mingling blissfully. zain takes the initiative to graze his tongue along the bottom of harry's lip, seeking permission to enter. harry's lips part slightly allowing zain's tongue to slip into harry's warm wet mouth.

harry mewls softly as he and zain's tongue tangle together tenderly, kneading one another's ardently. zain grunts softly, pulling harry closer by his waist, harry swinging one leg around zain's waist, slotting them together more easily. as their lips moved together, zain moves his hand down harry's side until it stops at the curve of his ass, kneading the flesh gently in his palm. harry moans quietly against zain's mouth, his fingers moving through zain's hair.

they start to get much more heated, the kiss turning hot and needy and hands gripping and grabbing at one another. zain grips harry's ass as he pulls from his mouth and works down his jaw to his neck. harry's hands are in his hair, craning his neck as he bites his lip, muffling tiny little moans trying to pass through. zain wants to get lost in harry and fall into bliss, but he needed to make sure he wasn't overstepping his boundaries, so he pulls away briefly. harry opens his eyes looking at zain through his eyelashes, his eyes hooded slightly.

"w-why'd you stop?" harry asked softly. zain pecks his lips briefly.

"are you okay?" zain asked. harry nods. zain grips his chin gently. "you sure? you would tell me if you want me to stop, right?" zain asked. harry bites his lip, nodding again gazing into zain's eyes.


"do you want me to?" zain asked, eyeing harry. harry chews on his lip in thought, and shakes his head. "i need you to use your words baby."

"n-no, d-don't stop p-please." harry whimpers. zain kisses him.

"good boy." zain murmurs. he rolls them over so that he's on top of harry and sits up, grabbing at the hem of harry's pajama top. "arms up." zain says. harry lifts his arms, zain proceeding to remove his shirt, dropping it on the floor right next to the bed. he leans down reconnecting their lips, harry wrapping his arms around zain's neck, sighing softly. zain holds harrys waist, his thumbs digging into his flesh as he completely takes control of the kiss, lips dominating over harry's. he moves his hands down and hooks them into harry's bottoms, gently tugging in question. harry lifts his hips slightly allowing zain to proceed. zain slowly tugs harry's bottoms off, pulling away again. harry's cheeks begin turning bright red, blushing as he is completely bare in front of zain. he hides his face behind his hands. zain laughs, grabbing his hands and pinning them down by his head. "don't hide from me baby."

𝘴𝘰 𝘧𝘢𝘳 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 » 𝘻𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 (𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥)Where stories live. Discover now