sixty six

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harry sat against a nearby tree, his knees are pulled to his chest, face hidden behind his arms. his body is trembling, and his chest is heavy like there's a ton of bricks weighing down on him as tears dripped down his face. harry felt entirely humiliated. he felt like he had been exposed to the entire world, like his most deepest darkest secret had been blurted out for everyone to hear. he could feel all the judgemental eyes on him, looking at him like he was crazy.

harry couldn't handle being stared at and judged like that, to have someone come at him like that. he knew gigi was a mean girl, but he didn't know that she'd go to such lengths to make harry feel this way and just to try and sabotage his and zain's relationship. to publicly embarrass him, to bring him down and make him feel ashamed of himself. harry's never felt this way, he's never had to deal with this type of confrontation before because he was always on his own, but now that he's involved with and around other people more, he realizes that everyone is not as nice as he thought they could be.

not only that but he felt scared because he thought that zain would look at him differently now. he thought his boyfriend would be completely weirded out and disgusted by him. it was just a stupid scar that could easily have meant nothing, but he knew zain would know there's a significance to it because harry always went out his way to cover it up. zain was probably thinking that harry was completely unstable, and start questioning him about it. he'd probably be mad that harry was hiding things from him that should've been spoken about a long time ago.

harry's mind just started to race with all kinds of scenarios in his head. all the negative thoughts that zain would have of him. he didn't want zain to be mad at him, or feel any different about him, and he certainly didn't want zain to leave him. even though harry trusted zain completely, and he didn't think of zain to be that kind of person, he was still afraid of what may happen. his emotions were just all over the place at this moment and he couldn't control it.

"harry!" harry hears zain call out to him, seconds later he feels a presence near him and arms are wrapping around him. harry whimpers, but zain shushes him softly. zain thought harry ran all the way home when he didn't see him anywhere outside the ice cream shop, but when he walked off to the side a ways down the pavement, he saw harry's lean frame curled against a thick tree. harry's body shook slightly as he cried. zain drops down beside him and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close. "haz, baby i'm sorry." zain says.

"z." harry whimpers.

"it's okay, i got you." zain tells him, gently rubbing up and down harry's sides in a calming manner. harry sniffles, keeping his face buried in his arms. zain brushes his fingers through harry's hair. "haz, look at me."

"n-no." harry shakes his head. he's already embarrassed enough, he doesn't want zain to see him cry like this. he felt so pathetic.

"beb, it's okay, just look at me, please?" zain pleaded softly, running his fingers across harry's scalp soothingly, trying to reassure harry that it was okay. harry stays like he is for a few moments, just sniffling softly. but then slowly, he starts to lift his head to look at zain. his scared bright emerald eyes, shining with tears meet zain's, making his heart break. zain keeps his eyes focused directly on harry's, not looking anywhere else on his body to make harry feel uncomfortable. he cups harry's face in his hands.

"it's okay. everything is okay. i don't know what she was trying to prove by doing this, but it doesn't matter to me because i don't see you any differently." zain tells harry, caressing his cheek delicately. harry sniffles again.

"you don't?" harry asks softly, his voice small and hesitant. zain shakes his head.

"no, i don't. you're still the same old cute, shy, but sweet harry i know. i can't judge you baby, i won't judge you. i have shit in my past i've done that i'm not proud of, i have my own demons, i am in no position to judge anyone. and i would never do that to you." zain explains to harry, using the pad of his thumbs to wipe away the falling tears from harry's eyes.

"b-but there's things i haven't told you about me.. things you should know, but y-you don't."

"i don't care, it's up to you when you want to tell me those things. it shouldn't be anyone's business but ours what we share with one another." zain says.

"i- i don't want you to feel like i'm hiding things from you.. you tell me everything, but i never say anything. it's not f-fair to you." harry cries.

"baby, i want you to be ready to talk to me when you feel like you're ready." zain says softly, stroking his wet cheeks, his eyes are softening, gazing into harry's sad green ones. "i won't mind."

"o-okay." zain leans in, pecking harry on the lips gently.

"i love you okay? i fucking love you. fuck her, and fuck anybody else who can't accept that. i'm not leaving you any time soon, so they all better get used to it." zain tells him. harry has never felt so fortunate in his entire life to have someone like zain. he made him feel so loved that his heart was overflowing with contentment and warmth. he couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend than zain, because zain was just so perfect for him. he made him feel so many things he's never felt before, so many amazing things.

"i- i love you." harry replies, as zain swipes his thumbs across his cheeks again to rid the remaining tears from them. harry wraps his arms around zain tightly, holding onto him like he would vanish, fisting at his shirt. zain hugs him back, rocking their bodies from side to side, comfortingly.

"i love you more than anything, don't let anybody make you think otherwise. i love you just the way you are." zain whispers, nuzzling against harry's neck, his hair grazing against zain's face. harry nods against him, remaining quiet as they rocked slowly, helping him calm down more. after a while, they eventually pull away, gazing into one another's eyes intensely. harry sucks in a breath.

"i want... i want t-to tell you." harry murmurs.

"hm, only if you're completely ready and comfortable enough to do that, beb." zain replies. harry nods slowly.

"i-i can. i am, i am ready. i've been wanting it off my chest." harry admits. zain nods, then he leans forward to capture harry's lips in a chaste kiss.

"okay baby. let's get out of here then. do you want to go home?" zain asks. harry nods slightly. zain takes both harry's hands in his as he stands up, pulling harry up with him. he wraps his arm protectively around harry's waist and leads him back around the building to the front where zain had the car parked. they climb in and buckle into their seatbelts before zain takes off down the street.

they were in for a very long talk when they got there.


what'd you think? what do you think happened to harry? 👀


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