twenty four

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couple weeks later

zen 🙊
haz you gotta come out with me today

haz 💚
i go out with you everyday z, hehe.

zen 🙊
so 🙄 do it again

haz 💚
😆 to do what?

zen 🙊
to play football with my friends.

haz 💚
i don't like football zen. ☹️ too rough..

zen 🙊
awe you don't have to play , you can just watch me 😉

haz 💚
i would love to.. but i can't today.

haz 💚
i have to be somewhere..

zen 🙊
😔 what will i ever do without you ?

haz 💚
hehe, you'll be okay zennie. i'll still be here, just not physically. 😆

zen 🙊
you got a point , but it's not the same 😭

haz 💚
we can hang out all day tomorrow you doofus. 🤣

zen 🙊
oh, well that makes me feel better 😉

haz 💚
you're so dramatic hehe.

zen 🙊
i can't help it , how am i to act if my favorite person isn't here ?

haz 💚
i'm your favorite person?

zen 🙊
yeah , is it not obvious lol

haz 💚
maybe, but i have second thoughts.

zen 🙊
well don't you're my favorite 😉

haz 💚
you're my favorite too. 🙊

haz 💚
you're my only..

zen 🙊
you're so cute , have i ever told you that ?

zen 🙊
i'm honored 😏

haz 💚
yes, you tell me that every day hehe. 🙊

zen 🙊
because it's true , and you need to be reminded 😉

haz 💚
you're always so sweet to me..

zen 🙊
i have to be , you're so soft and squishy and i just wanna squeeze you

haz 💚
zen. 🤣🤣

zen 🙊
it's true , you're squeezable

haz 💚
you're silly. 😆

zen 🙊
as i've been told many times before 😏

zen 🙊
but if it gets you to smile , so be it

haz 💚
you always get me to smile..☺️

zen 🙊
good then beb 😉

zen 🙊
i should be playing football , but you're distracting me 😂

haz 💚
you're distracting yourself z. 🤣

zen 🙊
it's your fault 🙄

haz 💚
omg just go play, you doofus. 😆

zen 🙊
but i will miss you

haz 💚
i'll be here..

zen 🙊
you better 😉

haz 💚
talk to you later z. ☺️

zen 🙊
bye haz 😘


was supposed to update this yesterday but my ass fell asleep last night trying to put my kid to sleep 😒😒

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