Jail Cells

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Brian's POV

"Alright Haner, since you didn't necessarily start the fight, you're free to go so you can make one call." The officer said as he walked over to the holding cell I was in and opened it.

"I'm free to go?" I asked in a surprised tone as he uncuffed me.

"Judge is having a good day. But one more call about you and we're bringing you in. Here's your token. Do you know anyone's number?"

I nodded, "Can I call my dad?"

"Anyone you want. Let's go." He said leading me to the phone which was a couple of feet outside of my cell, "When you're done, back to the cell we go."

"I thought I was free?" I asked confused.

He took the phone off the hook, "But we have to hold you until someone comes to get you. I'll give you some privacy."

He turned around, while I put the token into the token hole. I dialed my dad's number and hoped that he'd answer. It was pretty late. The last thing I want to do is get my dad asleep.

"What now?" He asked, in a groggy voice.

"Hey dad," I started and bit my lip, "What are you doing?"

"Well, I was sleeping until you fucking called. Why are you collect calling me? You're in a band, don't you have expensive phones?"

I let out a nervous sigh, "Dad, I'm in jail and I have two minutes left to talk. I'm in the Huntington Police Station. I'll explain everything later. Just please come?"

"Holy shit, Brian. I really want to leave you in there so you can think about what you did, but because I love you, I'll be there in 15 minutes. Is there bail?" He asked after teasing me.

"I think so. See you in 15."

We hung up after a mutual goodbye. The officer led me back into the cell where I sat with my head in my hands. Those were the longest 15 minutes.

"Haner, your father is here." The police officer opened the cell.

I walked out hanging my head. I was disappointed in myself and I knew my dad was too.

The car ride couldn't have been anymore awkward. When my dad is silent in the car, you know you're in deep shit.

"Brian," My dad started, "What happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said leaning my head against the window.

He giggled, "Then you shouldn't have called me and I shouldn't have paid $700 for bail. Can I guess what happened?"

"No." I spat.

"Please?" He teased. By the sound of his voice, he was trying to get me to atleast smile. But a smile wasn't anywhere close to reaching my lips. "You kicked Johnny in the balls and he was tired of the abuse so he called the cops on you?"

"No! Dad, stop!" I said annoyed. He quiet down, which made me feel bad. "I'm sorry, I just speak too much."

He was quiet for a second, "I can tell by the bruise on the side of your nose that you weren't that quiet."

"Dad, I had sex with Jackie... It came out infront of everyone."

"Ah," He didn't take his eyes off the road but nodded, "So that's how that bruise got there. Jesse."

"It's her fault! Did you know he cheated on her while she was gone?! I thought since Michelle left me that Jackie would leave Jesse, but it was the exact opposite. I expected so much. I wanted to be with Jackie. I still do. But after this dad, I really don't even want to see her."

He pulled into the drive way of my house which was being occupied with Matt's car.

"I'll leave you here." I nodded then unbuckled myself. When my feet touched the floor I heard hurt in my dad's voice, "I hated doing this tonight Brian. I love you so much. Please no more fights."

"No more fights." I assured him, then closed the door to his car. With my jacket in my hands, I walked up to the porch. Pinkly started barking as I opened the door.

Zacky, Matt and Gena were sitting down on my couch.

"Hey." I said with embarrassment in my voice. "I'm going to bed." I began to walk up the stairs, Pinkly following behind me.

"Brian!" Matt shouted. I turned around and walked back down. I stopped at the bottom step, "This wasn't your fault."

I couldn't help but smirk, "You're right." I said walking over to them, "It's not my fault. This wasn't my fault. I didn't throw the first punch. I didn't bring up the whole who slept with who. I didn't mean to fall in love with Jackie. I didn't even mean to meet her. Because if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have gone to jail. I wouldn't have cheated on Michelle. I wouldn't have fallen in love. I would be happy right now. So Zacky," He shot his head up at me, "Tell her I said thank you. Tell her I said I don't want to speak to her anymore. Tell her to get out of my life."

"You don't mean it." He said shaking his head, "Stop Brian."

"No, I do fucking mean it. If it wasn't for Jackie, I wouldn't have ended up single and in jail! This is all her fault God damn it."

"Don't blame her! You provoked him!" He shouted. I didn't argue back because one, he was right and two, he's only defending her.

"I'm sorry guys. I just-" I let out a deep breath, "I'm going to bed."

I was deep into my sleep when I heard Pinkly bark downstairs.

"Shut up Pinks!" I shouted pulling the covers over my head.

She kept barking, but stopped when a knock came in contact with the door.

"Are you serious?" I asked myself, getting out of bed. Barefoot and shirtless, I walked downstairs. I opened the door while letting out a yawn, "Can I help you?" I opened my eyes to see Jackie at the door. "What?" I asked with attitude.

"I wanted to see if you were okay."

"Shouldn't you be with Jesse? And why couldn't you have came later? It's like really la-"

"Zacky told me you were out and I wanted to see if you were alive."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm perfectly fine. You can go now."

She pushed the door open and let herself inside, "You're so cold now. What did I ever do to you?"

I slammed the door shut, "This is all your fault."

"My fault?! How is this all my fault?!"

I got in her face, "If you wouldn't have gotten back with that asshole, I wouldn't have gone to jail!"

"You have Michelle!" She shouted, "You're happy with her! Let me live my life!"

"I don't have Michelle! I don't have you! You know how much that hurts me?! Let's add fuel to the flame, I don't even have Jimmy!!"

She was taken back, "You use Jimmy as an excuse too much. You're just afraid of being alone!"

I slammed my fist on the small table located behind the couch, causing it to break, "You're the reason why I'm so scared of being alone!!"

"How am I the reason?" She asked calmly, "What did I ever do?!"

"You left me! I fell so in love with you and you left me!"

Jackie pushed me away from her face and headed for the door, "I'm leaving you for good. Goodbye Brian. Here take these while you're added." She played with her ears for a second then threw the earrings I bought her onto the floor, "I hate you." Was the last thing she said before leaving my house.

"Fuck," I said, bending over to pick up the earrings. 

In a frustrated manner, I loudly repeated, "Fuck!" 

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