Might As Well Spill The Beans

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She stuck her hand out, pushing me away, "Just go Brian, please. I don't need you to be nice. Please. Just go." Tears fell from her face, hitting the floor. I gently pressed the napkin to her head where the blood was coming out of. "Stop, Brian." She stood up. "God, hate me for once will you? I hurt you so bad and still here you are, coming to my aid. I don't need you."

"I know you don't need me. If you did, I'd be with you right now. You'd be here with me, not with him." I walked over to the balcony railing and lit a smoke, "You know what sucks about you? You're weak. You're weak and you know it. Yet, you don't do anything about it."

"Don't do anything about it? Brian. I told you to give me time. I promised I'd stop this wedding. You di-"

"Woah, woah woah. You didn't promise me anything. And secondly, you can't stop this wedding because everytime you try to, your mom brain washes you. So don't be saying you try to stop anything. You like this. You like having two men all to yourself." I took a long drag, slowly exhaling the smoke, "But now, that's changed."

My heart cries for her. I'm a foolish man. I shouldn't be going through this.

"Brian, but I love you. I don't want you to be with anyone else but me..."

"And why is that?" I asked turning around to face her, "I'll tell you why. Because you don't want to see me happy. You don't want to see anyone happy. If Jackie's not happy, no one else can be. When I call you selfish, I don't mean that you buy shit for yourself only, or you do things physically to your benefit. Because you don't. You're a very humble and beautiful person. What I mean by selfish is that you think about your feelings only. Not mine, not Jesse's, just your's."

"Just mine?!" She exclaimed walking towards me, "I'm marrying Jesse to make my mom and dad happy! Call me selfish Brian!" She broke down, "I hate this. I don't want to get married. I don't want to do this. I want to be with you. I always have. But this is all your fault. If you wouldn't have gotten with Michelle, I wouldn't have gotten with Jesse." Her words stung me, but they were true. This is mostly my fault. "Selfish, Brian. Look it up in the dictionary and your picture is right there."

I stood there, looking down at the floor, counting the tiles. I threw my cigg on the ground giving it a quick stomp, "I'm not a selfish person Jackie. I did what I had to do to be happy. You didn't bother talking to me when you were in New York. We were there so many times for concerts. I tried to call you but you never answered. The truth, you didn't want me. But now that you're back, you're looking for someone to keep you company."

"Well, I won't need that anymore because I'm marrying Jesse and I'll find happiness with him." My heart shattered into a million pieces. She turned around and walked away, "By the way Brian. I want you to go to the wedding to see how happy I am going to be when I say I do." She swung open the door, causing it to slam shut.

I squeezed my eyes and took a seat where she was seated earlier. I held my face with my hands, rubbing my temples.

Thoughts flooded my mind, making tears well up in my eyes. My nose started to run, so I sniffled, using my sleeve to wipe away any liquid.

That was it. We're done. She wants to marry Jesse. She doesn't want me...

"Brian? Bri- Brian, are you okay?" Johnny asked from behind me. I turned around, only to see Matt next to him. I wiped away tears and stood up.

I cleared my voice and tried to play it off as if I wasn't crying, "Yeah. I'm fine." They weren't convinced, "I'm okay."

"What happened?" Matt asked walking towards me, "Did she say something?"

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