Frank Iero The Super Hero?

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After the whole confrontation with Jackie's mother, I went back to the hotel and began to pack. Maybe this is a sign that I need to move on from her. Maybe she's not meant to be in my life.

I folded the last of my pants before I got to work on my shirts. There was a knock at the door but I was too lazy to get it.

"Come in." I shouted. Zacky stuck his head through the door, "Sup?" I asked zipping my suitcase up.

"Where are you going?" He asked closing the door, making his way to the bed.

I put the suitcase on the floor, "Home. I don't want to be here. I think I need to go back to Huntington Beach. New York for me isn't a really healthy enviorment."

"Brian, you're kidding right?" He sat on the bed, "Don't go. Why are you really leaving? Who told you something? I'll kick their ases." He made me chuckled a little. I knew he was trying to be defensive, but sometimes, when he tries he makes me laugh.

"You can't kick your aunt's ass." I informed him, "She doesn't want me here. She says my eyes are full of lust... No shit they are. I'm only in love with her daughter." I stated using a sarcastic tone.

He shook his head, "Man, fuck my aunt. She's a really crazy bitch. Jackie wants you at the wedding."

"Yeah, to show me that she can be happy with out me. I don't want to see her get married. I can't afford to see the girl I love kiss another man. I've seen it enough when he'd visit her. I'm done with this." I started to take out the shirts from the drawers, "I'll be fine. I'll probably just catch up with sleep back home. I want you guys to have fun."

"Brian, don't be stupid. If you don't want her marrying him, do something about it." He seemed to be getting annoyed, "You say you love her, that you really want to be with her. But do you even try? I mea-"

"Are you really asking if I try? I did the most romantic thing ever. She told her mom that she didn't want to marry him anymore because of me. Next thing I know, I'm picking them up off the freeway because the truck broke down and driving them to a bridal shop. Tell me I don't try hard enough. Because I put in everything I got." Just then Zina walked through the door.

"What's going on here?" She asked leaning against Zacky, "You're barely unpacking?"

I shook my head, "I'm packing. I'm leaving."

She cocked her head back, "The hell you are." She flipped over the suitcase causing every single item I had in there to drop to the floor, "I was really hoping you'd stop the wedding." I didn't react to Zina's behavior because she can fuck me up in a matter of seconds.

"He loves her and he doesn't do anything about it. So he's leaving because he can't handle it." Zacky informed her. "I say he stays and stops the wedding."

"Agreed." She said sitting beside him.

"I'm not staying." I started to pick up my clothes, "I'm leaving. I don't want to be here. If she's happy with him, then I can't change that. I tried my hardest, but it didn't work." I didn't bother folding them again. I threw them in... neatly.

Zacky let out a defeated sigh, "Fine. But can you go in the morning or something? The guys and I are heading to Frank Iero's house. It's just a fairy away. He said he'd pick us up since he has a Loser Cruiser."

I wasn't sure if going would be a great idea. I know I'd get drunk and I'd most likely be too tired to leave to the airport in the morning. I just won't drink. "Fine. But in the morning, I'm gone."

Zina and Zacky shared a high five, "Now, since I'm a lady, I can't go. I got children to take care of and a husband to please. Have fun for me. I'll see you guys later." She gave me a hug then left the room.

Matt, Johnny, Zacky and I got on the fairy to head to New Jersey. It wasn't even that far. It was like Huntington Beach to Disneyland. On our way there, some fans stopped us and asked for autographs. Since we love our fans so much, we decided to take pictures with them. They gave us their condolences about Jimmy's passing. It's nice to know our fans care so much.

Once we got on dry land, we saw Frank with his wife Jamia. We hadn't seen them in such a long time, since we last toured with My Chemical Romance.

"What's up?" Frank said running towards us. He gave us all manly hugs, "Ready to have some good ol' New Jersey fun?!"

"Definitely. I just want some beer." Johnny said, following him into his van. It was really big for a small dude like him but he needed it since Jamia is due next month. She's expecting twins.

We arrived at his house minutes later. The place was so home-like. It reminded me of my home. I miss my home.

"Here you go." He handed us some ice cold beers. We chilled in his home studio and talked about Jimmy. He shared his stories about The Rev with us. I wanted to tear up various times, but I held it back. I'd done enough crying.

Matt and Johnny had a little session going on, so Frank and I went outside for a quick smoke. Zacky stood in with Jamia, talking about her pregnancy.

"You know Brian, you've changed." Frank said, taking a drag.

"How?" I asked, tapping the end of the cigg. I knew I changed. Everyone does. But since Jimmy's death, me more than others.

"I don't know, you just seem so sad now a days. You're not the same. You were so crazy and now you look sad. I wish I could do something."

I giggled, "Well unless you can stop a marriage from happening then yes. But if you can't, then no." I took a drag then threw it on the floor, "Being in love sucks. You're lucky you've got yourself a girl who loves you."

"I don't know the whole story Brian, but I know for a fact that you'll find a girl that loves you too..." He said sympathetically.

"She says she does, but she's still getting married. That's why we're here. For her wedding. I wanted to leave but the guys aren't letting me. That's why I'm not drinking tonight. If I drink, I won't get up to catch a flight back to Huntington Beach and I need to get it."

He leaned against the porch pillar and played with the flower pot near his feet. "Can I just say, if you love her, you should stay. I think you should stop the wedding some how. Does she even love the guy? Is it even possible to love two people at the same time?"

"I don't know. I can't answer any of your questions because she never told me how she actually felt about the dude. I had her Frank, I fucking had her. But she got weak when it came to telling her mom. She says she's marrying him to make her parents happy but she's not paying attention to her feelings and it gets me mad." I felt my eyes well up with tears. There was no holding them back. "God, I wish I could have her." I said looking up, hopeless, "I've tried so hard, Frank, to make her mine. But she leaves every time."

He rubbed my shoudler blade roughly, "I know you love her, but sometimes, when you keep trying and it doesn't work, you need to let go. If it's meant to happen, then it will happen. I think you should stay. If you love her, you should support her by going to her wedding. Who knows, maybe she'll have second thoughts when she sees you there."

He made sense... A lot of sense. "But it hurts to even know she's getting married. When she actually goes up there in a white dress, I'm going to get a heart attack. I don't want to see her up there with him."

"Think about it for a second. If she really was happy with him, she wouldn't have said she loves you. But she does. And... and think about this too, Matt told me earlier that her fiancee invited you. I feel like he doesn't like you very much. Nothing would tick him off more than seeing you at his wedding."

"So what are you trying to say? I go to the wedding to get him mad and to show her that I'm going to be there for her no matter what?"

He let out a sigh then pat my back, "I'll let you think about it for a minute. Point is, go to the wedding. I know what I'm telling you. I saved Gerard and Ray's marriages like this. And I was right. I can save your relationship with...?"

"Jackie. But it's not a relationship." I informed him.

He opened the door to his house, "Not yet. I have to check up on preggers. C'mon in."

I felt extremely confused. What did he mean? Now I'm starting to think maybe I should go to the wedding... Just maybe.

The One That Got Away (Synyster Gates Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now