The Pickle

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The day quickly came for the Yankees to play the Dodgers. I wasn't looking forward to it. Jesse would be arriving any minute and I'd be forced to play the I'm happy in our relationship card. But how can I be happy in a relationship when he hasn't called me for a week? I'm starting to think maybe Zacky sold me out to him, but I know he wouldn't stoop that low.

My parents also hadn't talk to me in a while, so I wasn't quite sure if they would be staying with me.

A buzzing sound came from the coffee table. I leaned over and opened the message. It was Brian.

Can you get away later? You me the Marriott? What do ya say?

His offer sounded tempting and I'd do anything to be in Brian's arms.

Sure thing. After the game make an excuse so I can take you home. Say you wanna meet players or something :)

He replied moments later.

You're a genius 

I was about to reply when a really hard knock came in contact with the door. I flinched, "Jesus Christ. There I go."

I walked to the door to see Jesse. He looked mad, then again, I would be too if I was in a plane for hours and hours. I smiled but it faded once he pushed me out of the way, "Bedroom's upstairs right?"

Obviously, I thought. I nodded. He made his way up the stairs, leaving me downstairs. I refused to be left looking like an idiot, so I followed.

"How was the plane ride?" I asked sincerely, standing in the center of the room.

He placed his suitcase on my bed, not making eye contact with me, "Fine."

"And the food? I heard you guys got first class. That must have been fun."

"I guess. Can you hand me that suitcase behind you Jacqueline please?" I dragged the thousand pound case to the bed, "Thanks."

He began to rummage through it and pulled out his jock strap, throwing it in a backpack. If he keeps acting like this, he'll be needing it to sleep with.

"Are you hungry? I made some rice. I know you like Mexican rice so I-"

"Not hungry. I have to go to batting practice." He swung the backpack over his shoulders.

"But it doesn't start til 3. It's barely," I looked at the clock, "One! Can't you stay for a bit? I've missed you..."

Part of me actually did miss him. 

He shook his head, "Baseball is really important to me Jackie, if you didn't know. I'll buy something on the way. Now if you excuse me."

I was shocked at his rude attitude, "No." I simply said, "And you're not leaving anywhere. You're staying here and eating because I slaved over that God damned stove downstairs and made carne asada and rice. So you're going to march your ass downstairs and eat!"

I though he'd obey me like Brian does. But then again mention food to Brian and he'll be the first one there.

He laughed, "I'm not hungry. Plus I have to go. See you in a bit."

I was beginning to get mad. I felt my temperature rising.

"You're a fucking asshole." I said pushing him, causing him to lose his balance a little on the steps.

He grabbed onto the railing, "What the fuck is your issue?!"

"What's your's?!" I shouted back, "You're acting like a dick."

The One That Got Away (Synyster Gates Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now