Death In The Afternoon (FINAL CHAPTER)

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So, this is the last chapter of the story and I just wanted to thank all of you wonderful people that constantly voted and commented. You gals/guys were and ARE my inspiration. You have no idea how thankful I am for you beautiful people! I've never felt so loved before hahah. Because of this story, I have met a lot of people from all over the world and you guys are the dopest ever! I wish you guys lived in California because my life is boring here hahah. I'm sorry for the tears and frustration I put you all through (Jackie apologizes as well lol) during the duration of this story. Anyways, enough chitchat. Here is the final chapter. There WILL be a sequel, I'll probably post it right after I upload this one. Who knows! Again, thank you all and I love you<3.

Comment and vote for the story guys, thank you so much<3 

After trying my best to haul a cab, one finally stopped for me. I ran up to the car and asked the driver to take me to The Hilton. He swiftly drove North, towards the hotel. I didn't know exactly what I was going to say to Jackie when I saw her, but I knew I wanted to be with her. I'd hope she'd want to be with me too.

At the ceremony, I felt confused and embarrassed. She put me on the spot in front of more than two hundred people. I could feel the eyes of his family burning a pretty little hole into the back and side of my head. It wasn't a good feeling. But when she did that, I felt happy. Now I had a chance at getting her back; the way it's supposed to be. Just Jackie and I.

Although, I do feel really bad for Jesse. He's a good guy and he didn't deserve to be left at the alter like that. But sometimes, you can't control your emotions and feelings for someone. It's nearly impossible.

"Are you in a rush somewhere?" The cabdriver asked, slowing down.

My heart began to race faster,  I knew what he was going to say. It's New York City for crying out loud. "A little bit. Are we stuck in traffic?"

"That's a rhetorical question." He responded, picking his phone up and checked the traffic. "There's an accident in the Theater District. We're backed up about thirty minutes."

"Fuck!" I shouted, socking the passenger seat in front of me. There goes my only chance at getting Jackie back. "You can't take a detour?!"

He picked up his phone again and examined the map on the screen, "96th Street but there's construction going on there. It's the same amount of time as going to your destination."

I whined a little then threw my head in my hands, "This isn't supposed to happen!" I said rubbing my temples, "Please, just find another way! It's really important that I get there in less than," I looked at my watch that read 11:45AM, "Fifteen minutes! Come on!"

"I wish I could make this go faster, but I can't. Where are you going anyways? You're all dressed up." He threw his phone in the cup holders beside him.

I didn't wish to answer the question. Not everyone needs to know my business, but if it will help speed things up then it's worth a shot. "I just need to get my girl back. She was supposed to get married to some baseball player and-"

"Jesse Jetson right? I should have known when I picked you up from the stadium! She ran out on him?" He looked at me through the rear-view mirror with the urge to find out the gossip.

"She didn't run out on him." I lied. That's something he didn't have to know. "Can you please just hurry?"

"Alright, listen. Since I don't like Jesse that much and you really need to get this mystery girl, I'll clear the cab fare. Deal? We're on 96th and Columbus. Do you have a pen?" He asked, pressing some buttons on the cab fare pad.

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