Soft Heart

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NEW CHAPTER YAY!:D Hope you like it!

For the past two weeks, my life has consisted of being eating chips with store bought guacamole and beer. I don't think I have a liver anymore and I'm okay with that.

I haven't been able to lift my ass off the couch, other than to buy food, answer calls, take a piss, feed Pinkly and take a shit.

I've been thinking a lot and Jackie's right, I am using Jimmy as an excuse. I just miss him so damn much. I wish he could come back to life... But he can't. I can't have my best friend back. He's only in my heart and that makes me depressed. The other thing that makes me depressed is Jackie. I miss her. She hasn't called, texted or even bothered to check up on how I am. I hate being alone. This sucks.

"Junior!" My dad's voice called out from the porch.

I rolled my eyes and buried my face in a pillow nearby. I hope he goes away. I want to be alone.

"Brian, it's your father." He said as if I didn't know my own father's voice. "Remember me? You were only of the lucky sperms that came from me? I helped create you? Bailed you out of jail?"

"And McKenna!!" My little sister added which brought a small smile to my face, one that had been absent for quite some time.

"If you don't open this door in 10 seconds, I'm going to break it down..."

"Go away!" I shouted into the pillow. Doesn't anyone understand when I don't answer my calls, reply to my texts or visit you, it means I want to be left alone?!

The sound of the doorknob turning caused me to go into 'I'm going to kill you' mode.

"What in God's name are you doing?!" My dad asked, appearing in my doorway with McKenna by his side, "It's three in the afternoon and this place smells horrible... like the restroom after I'm in there and let's not forget it's not a pretty smell."

I sat up, picked up the beanie from the coffee table and placed it over my head, "What do you want?" I snapped.

"Growling tiger today," he commented, "I'm just here because you've avoided me for like a good two weeks and I need to know what's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong. I just want to be left alone." I laid back down and pulled the cover over my head.

"Ew!" McKenna's voice rang through the front part of the house, "Pinkly took a dump in the kitchen!"

Under the covers, I rolled my eyes, "Leave it there."

A stream of water hit the cover, leaking through, splashing all over my face. I pulled the cover over and saw my dad smiling with a cup in his hand, "Up and out. Let's go." He pulled me by the shirt and lifted me off the couch. "You're getting fat. Let's do jumping jacks." He started to do a couple until I sat back down on the couch.

"Dad, leave! I want to be alone please?"

"What's this about?" He asked sitting in the chair across from the couch, "This isn't like you." I looked at McKenna who was ready to hear the cheese of the day. "Go walk Pinkly baby." My dad ordered her. Her mouth made an O shape but she listened to my dad and went to get Pinkly's leash.

"I just fucked up... I blame everyone. For one, Jackie threw me out of her life. Two, I'm single. And three, I miss Jimmy."

He nodded, understanding everything I was saying. "Let's take this step-by-step. I know you miss Jimmy. Everyone misses the guy. Hell even your grandma misses him. But that doesn't mean he's not here with us. He loves us. He loves you. You're his best friend. You are his best friend, Brian, and you always will be. Secondly. If you're so sad about being single, you have Michelle who I'm sure is dying to go back to you. I know you two have something special. Thirdly, don't you think Jackie threw you out of her life because you act like you want her out of it?"

The One That Got Away (Synyster Gates Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now