All Good Things Must Come To An End Eventually

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Story is just a few chapters away from ending. Yikes! 


As always, my mom won. It was set. She had this way of making me feel bad for everything Jesse's parents and my parents were doing. I sat listening to her go on and on about money and my future... And my job. I didn't want to lose my job. 

I couldn't fathom the thought of losing Brian because of this and I don't want to be the one to break the news to him. He's going to hate me and then it's back to square one. 

I'd been so happy that night with Brian. I actually was happy. But now I have to throw it all away, although I wish I didn't have to.

"Get off at the second exit and make a right." My mom said, reading the directions, "And be sure to park infront of the store. I don't want to walk all the way around to get to the entrance."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed by her. I was pissed as it is. I didn't want to be around her today. "Maybe you should have worn flats or tennis shoes instead of heels." I spat.

"I'm sorry for wanting to look nice. Maybe if you stopped wearing Doc Martens you'd look like a woman. You look like such a boy. Since when have you been wearing boots like that? The last time I remember seeing you, you wore heels everywhere. That Brian man has brain washed you completely."

I ignored her comment and continued driving. I steered with my right hand, using my left to support my head as I placed my elbow on the window seal.

The freeway was pretty empty today, unlike some days where it's packed up the. I just wanted to get this over with then go home and pretend she doesn't exist for the rest of the day.

As we got closer to the exit, the car started making a funny sound. It would slow down, then pick up speed. I decided it'd be best to pull over before it actually stopped in the middle of the freeway.

"Why are you stopping? It's almost 2, Jacqueline. We have to be there by 2!" My mom said as I pulled over on the shoulder of the road.

"Because my car sounds funny. I'm going to stop it then start it again. It's happened before and after I did this, it was fine. Re-fucking-lax." I turned off the car, letting it rest for a cool minute. I turned the key but this time, it didn't want to turn on. My eyes widened, "Oh crap."

"Oh crap what?! Jackie, what's happening?!"

I started to panic a little but I didn't want to show my mom that I was. "Uh, nothing. I uh... the car doesn't want to start."

"Try it again. We can't be late. It took me a week to book this appointment." She said in an authoritative tone.

I tried it again but still didn't want to turn on. The engine began to start, but stopped, "Well. We're fucked."

"What?! Jackie, try it again. Turn the key harder. Maybe you didn't turn it hard enough!" She leaned over to the keyhole as she turned the key. It still didn't turn on. I could feel my mom becoming frustrated. "I'm calling Zachary. We need to be there."

"What about my car?! I'm not about to leave it. You're seriously crazy if you think I'm leaving my ca-"

"Hello? Yes, it's your aunt.... Listen, Jackie and I are stuck on the freeway and we need to be some where, can you come pick us up?"

I pulled the phone away from her ear, "Just call a tow-truck." I told him.

"I'll go give you a jump. What freeway are you on?"

"The 5. Trust me, you'll see us. My car is the only black car pulled over on the side of the road."

"Alright, I'll be there in ten."

The One That Got Away (Synyster Gates Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now