Confusing Revenge and Pleasure

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FILLER! I'm really tired but I wanted to write this for you guys :D


Brian's POV

Two weeks with out any contact from Jackie, kills me... Her wedding is in a few weeks and I'm starting to contemplate suicide...

Since I had my little outburst, everyone has seemed to distance themselves from me. I completely understand. I did act like an asshole. I disrespected my best friends and my father. It was uncalled for and I should have acted like the adult I am instead of acting like a drunken fifteen year old.

"Hey Brian, what would you like today?" Paul, one of the bartenders at Johnny's Saloon asked as I took a seat.

I let out a sigh, "Just a beer. And a shot. Make that two shots of your best whiskey and a beer." I slammed forty dollars on the counter.

I needed some strong drinks in my system just to clear my head for a while. I'd been sober for the past two weeks. No type of alcohol has been in me. For a while, it acted as a satanic liquid to me. It made me do and say things I'd never thought I'd do or say.

"There you go son." He placed two shots and the cold beer bottle on the counter. "Need to talk to someone tonight?"

I downed the whiskey, causing my throat to burn for a moment, "No. I just need to think. I'm okay Paul. Don't worry. I'm a tough guy."

"Well... Alright. If you want to talk, I'm here. I don't want you to be shy to talk to me. We've known eachother for many years. Be careful with those drinks, alright?"

I nodded, "You got it, Pauly."

For a while, I drank the beer, occasionally taking sips of the shot.

These thoughts ran through my head; thoughts about getting Jackie back. But what use would it do? She's no longer in my life and I'm no longer in her's. It's that simple.

I don't even think I'll be going to her wedding. I don't want to see her lock lips for good with another man.

"Can you hand me a napkin?" A soft voice asked,that sounded very similar to Jackie's. I turned my head to my right to see a very beautiful woman sitting beside me. I didn't think much of her. 

"Sure." I reached over, taking a napkin from under a ketchup bottle, "There you go."

"Thank you." She said wiping away tears, "Can I have another one?" I nodded, repeating my steps. She thanked me again.

"Are you okay? You seem sad about something." I asked her as I took a drink from my bottle.

She inhaled, "I'll be fine. My boyfriend broke up with me today. I didn't know I would take it so hard. Being in love sucks."

I let out a very weak laugh, "You can say that again. I'm Brian, by the way."

"Oh, I'm Carmella." I shook her hand, then returned my attention to the beer bottle. "What brings you down to a bar? Girl break your heart?"

"That was broken weeks ago. Just sinking in that she won't ever be mine. I'm trying to accept the fact. It's pretty hard to though. Live and learn."

She smacked her lips together, "That's the motto. Sorry about your heart. Who was she?"

"Just some woman I had been in love with since like 1999. She's getting married in a few weeks. But not to me." I said taking a swig of my beer.

"Don't get discouraged. You're a very handsome man. Any woman would want you..." She moaned quietly, but loud enough for me to hear, "Any woman... Like me." Suddenly, I felt her hand crawl up my thigh.

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