Undercover Lovers Under The Covers

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Jackie's POV

Brian had a way in bed. It's not to say he was a "sex-God", but the way he made me feel was beyond anything I could've ever imagined. Feeling his hands all over my body made me feel safe and loved. Being with him took me to this fantasy world; one where only we knew, one that I loved.

"This is nice," he said, taking strands of my hair and letting him fall between his fingers as I lay on his chest, "I like us.

"We're like undercover lovers, you know?"

He nodded, "Yeah. It's as if our love is a secret. Well I mean, it is a secret but you get me right?"

"Yeah I get you." I let out a small laugh, "Being with Jesse doesn't stop me from loving you. I want you to know that."

"I love you Jackie, with all my heart." He said sincerely, looking down at me, "And I wouldn't want to be cheating on Michelle with anyone else rather than you. I just hope one day we actually become something because there are days when I wish I'd wake up to you. Or I'd shower with you. Or you'd be the ones backstage waiting for me after a concert."

I smiled at every word he said. "I wish the same thing... What's up with us? I mean, why can't we be together? What's stopping us? We love each other. Isn't that all that counts?"

He shrugged, "Maybe it's not our time yet. I'm sure when it's our time, we'll know. For now," He said, wrapping his arm around me, "Let's enjoy these moments."

I don't think Brian has a clue to how much he means to me. I love him and I want him. But why can't I break up with Jesse? Why can't he leave Michelle? I guess fate knows what it's doing.

We decided to go back downstairs and wait for everyone to return. It was already dark, so we expected them home any minute.

Meanwhile, Brian and I were engaged in a little make out session on the couch.

"Brian let go." I said as he bit my bottom lip. He continued to nibble and suck on it, knowing I hate having my lips full of saliva after.

I pinched his neck, making him let go of my lip, "What was that for?!" He said in a shocked tone.

"Don't eat my lip and maybe I wouldn't have to pinch you." I said against his lips.

Our lips parted, filling the gap between them. His hand smacked my bum, making it sting with pain.

"I told you I could get used to that." He smirked then licked my lips, "I just had to do that sorry." 

Without anyone word, he proceeded to kiss me softly, running his hands through my hair and down my body. Needless to say his touch made every inch of my body shiver. 

We heard cars pulling up in the drive way, "They're back," I sung, pushing him away from me then standing up. "Act like you hate my guts," I said walking away from him.

He grabbed me by the roots of my hair, pushing me against the wall and kissing me in a rough yet passionate manner.

"Is that good enough?" He asked, letting go of me.

I was still up against the wall as he walked to the door and opened it, leaving me completely speechless. It was a side I had never seen of him, but definitely needed to see more of. 

After composing myself, I went into the kitchen and pretended to be looking for something in the fridge, when in reality I was still smirking like a high schooler that just kissed her crush for the first time.

The guys and girls' voices filled the cabin. I bit my lip, but winced in pain when I felt it sting. I raised my finger to my lip and pressed on it lightly. It was sore and swollen. Brian did a doozie.

I quickly walked into the main room, "Hey everyone. How was skiing?" I asked covering my lip.

"It was fun. You guys should have came. Johnny ate shit nasty and ended up falling into a pile of snow. We almost had to call Search and Rescue." Gena said, removing her blue jacket.

"That's cool," I commented. In a way I wish I would have went but being with Brian was way better than skiing. I sat on the couch between Brian and Jesse, still covering my lip. "Meet anyone?"

"Like the coolest people ever! And they're throwing a party tomorrow night so we're all going, depressed or not." Matt added.

Brian rolled his eyes. He knew Matt was talking about him. I'm sure everyone knew Matt was talking about him.

Jesse puckered up, "Kiss me. I miss you."

I giggled, "I miss you too but I'm sleepy. So I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."

I stood up and started to run to the stairs, avoiding any lip contact with Jess. I had just reached the step when Michelle called me out on something.

"Hey, what's the matter with your lip?" She asked suspiciously.

All eyes were on me. I felt my palms get sweaty. I needed an excuse. "I was crying from the pain and I was biting my lip. I guess I got it swollen or something." 

Jesse followed me, "Let's go put some heat on it. I have the heating pad in my duffel bag. You go up to the room and get it okay? I'll be up there in a few. I just want to eat really quick."

I nodded, "Yeah, sounds good. Goodnight guys! See you tomorrow."

"Night!" Everyone said in unison.

Brian smirked, then turned around and faced the fireplace.

I made it to my room, just when I was about to open the door, Michelle called my name.

"Yeah?" I asked. She probably caught on to my lie and was going to beat the shit out of me. 

"I'm not stupid. I know that was Brian's doing." The tone of her voice was far from mad, far from anything. It scared me. She was calm, "I know he did it. I'm not going to get mad or anything. I've cheated on him. I guess it's karma. Anyways, point is, put ice not heat. I'll bring you up some ice."

"Oh... okay." She smiled then took off, "Michelle. Why are you being nice?"

"Because I'm fucking up on Brian constantly. The least I can do for him is take care of the girl he loves. I'll be back."

Maybe Michelle wasn't so bad after all. Or maybe this was all an act...

Michelle's POV

"Hey cutie, your little girlfriend needs ice. Not heat. "

I opened the freezer and took out some ice. 

Jesse giggled, "I should know that. I am an athlete." He handed me a plastic bag from the counter, "You're not going to tell her are you? That's the last thing I need right now."

I shook my head, "Only if you don't tell Brian." I tied the bag in a knot after filling 1/3 of it with ice.

"Scouts honor." He smirked. He's so damn attractive. How could Jackie even think of cheating on him? With Brian of all people?  

"Great, then our little secret it safe." I kissed him quietly on the lips, then made my way back to the stairs to give Jacqueline her ice bag.

Is it bad not to feel so guilty after cheating on Brian... again? 

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