Why Not Let The Cat Out Of The Bag... Again?

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Zacky's POV

Johnny, Lacey, Gena and I decided to go out and shop in Downtown Huntington Beach since we had a baby party to go to. My niece is turning the big 3, so I wanted to shop at BornPunk. Not to sound gay but it's the cutest baby store ever. I can't wait for Jackie's baby to be born so I can spoil it rotten in here.

"Look!" Gena said walking over to me and Johnny with a black and white pinstriped shirt, "It looks just like Syn's guitar! So when the baby comes Ja..." I widened my eyes, hoping she'd take the hint to shut it, "Haaa, woman, should totally buy it for the baby."

Johnny gave me a confused look, "Why don't you get it for your niece? Won't she like it? She could have some Avenged blood in her." He said. I was hoping he didn't catch on to anything.

"Great idea. Hey, can you check if they have it in pink pinstripes Johnny?" I handed the shirt over to him.

He nodded, "Sure, I'll be back."

I waited until he was out of sight to tell Gena something. "Babe, you gotta watch what you're saying. No one knows that Jackie and Brian are expecting." I said through my teeth, "And we're supposed to keep it that way until Jackie breaks the engagement with Jess."

"I'm sorry. It just slipped!" She whispered loudly, "I promise I won't say anything about Jackie and Brian and their little bundle of joy again." She turned to the rack of baby clothes infront of her, "I'm gonna be an auntie." She squealed.

"What?" Lacey's voice was faint, but I turned around and saw her right beside me.

I closed my eyes, praying I'd open them and it'd be a dream, "How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough to know that Jackie and Brian are expecting a baby!" She said in a surprised tone.

"What the fuck?" Johnny's voice came from behind Gena this time, "Jackie's pregnant?! When did they even see eachother?! I didn't even know they fucked!"

At this point, I wanted to slam my head into a brick wall. I face-palmed myself. "Stop! Okay... Ugh," I let out a sigh, "Listen, no one is supposed to know. Gena and I accidentally walked in on Brian and Jackie one day after they were done doing their... you know." I gestured and moved my hands around, trying to see if they got the point, "And yes, she's pregnant. But no one is supposed to know. Do you guys understand me?! No one!"

"Right," Gena added, "So you didn't hear anything. Act like nothing happened, like you never even knew they were seeing each other."

Lacey's eyes formed tears, "Babe, what's wrong?" Johnny asked, wrapping his arm around her.

She sniffled, "It's just... I'm so happy for them. This is so perfect." She wiped away a tear from her cheek, "You know, Johnny told me how Jackie and Brian were all over each other back in the day and now they can finally be together. This is perfect."

I suppressed a laugh, receiving a smack on the bicep by Gena. Lacey cried into Johnny's arm as he handed me the pink pinstriped shirt. I went to pay for it then left the shop quickly.

We spent the rest of the day shopping at stores. Mostly Gena and Lacey shopped so Johnny and I would stand around or follow them.

"So, if Jackie's pregnant, she's leaving Jesse for Brian?" Johnny asked, still a bit confused at what had just happened.

I nodded, "That's the cheese. It's so weird to think I'm going to be an uncle again." I couldn't help but smile.

He cocked his head, "You're not her brother, so you're not an uncle, idiot."

I was shocked at his little outburst. I smacked the back of his head, "She's a sister to me. I am the child's uncle, alright?"

"Fine..." He said. We continued following the girls around the store, "So since Jackie's not getting married, there's no wedding anymore?"

I rolled my eyes, "If she's not getting married, obviously there's no wedding." I really wanted to throw Johnny into the ocean.

At that moment, my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I searched for it, until I found it.

The Caller ID read, Jesse.

I raised my eyebrows, "Hello?"

"Zachary? It's Jesse."

I'm not about to lie, I get happy when I talk to Jesse because he's one of the best baseball players to ever play in the MLB. It's an honor to have his number, you know?

"Oh, I know. I have your number saved." I said proudly, "What's up?"

"Well, I know you and Jackie are very close. So I was hoping, you'd be one of my groomsmen, what do you say?"

I debated whether or not to say no. If I said no, he'd think something of it. Plus, I think Jackie would want us to go along with it until things were cleared out. "Uh, well I.. uh.. sure." 

"Great, well I have to go. I need to ask Randy if he wants to be one too. Talk to you later."

We shared a mutual goodbye and hung up. I began to think maybe it was a bad idea to say yes. But, I need to play along.

The One That Got Away (Synyster Gates Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now