It's Never Too Late To Apologize

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The sound of a car pulling up into my drive way, woke me up. The light of the sun hit my face, making me pull the blanket over my head. I knew who was about to knock at the door. I could recognize the sound of the engine anywhere.

There it was, that knock. Jesse didn't know anything that happpened between Brian and I for the past week and a half, so I had to act innocent as possible.

I made my way downstairs, half asleep and all. When I got to the door, I felt like a piece of trash. Everything Brian had said was still echoing in the back of my mind. Zina and him were right. How much more stupid can I get?

Slowly, I opened the door to reveal Jesse standing there with his stunner smile but it soon vanished, "Why are you still in your pajamas? It's a work day. Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

I moved out of the way, allowing him to pass, "I rather stay home. This is all you brought?" I asked looking at the one suitcase he dragged into the house.

"No, there's more in the car but this is just my everyday clothes." He wrapped his arms around my waist, "I've missed you, so much."

He gently placed a kiss on my lips, "Yeah, it's been a while." I pushed him away, "Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat, if you want."

I could feel the suspicion in the house, "No, I ate on my way over here... Jackie, are you okay?" He asked following me into the kitchen.

I pretended as if I didn't hear him and opened the fridge, looking for something. On the second shelf was a piece of Brian's sandwich that he ate here one day but ended up leaving because he got full. I starred at it for a couple of seconds... I miss Brian.

"Jackie!" Jesse shouted, pulling me out of my daze. I turned around and raised my eyebrows, "I asked you a question and you ignored me."

"Oh sorry, I didn't hear you. What was your question?"

He gave a weak chuckle then walked out of the kitchen. I assume he was frustrated, but I refused to ask why. I already knew why he was. It's all my fault. Everyone seems to hate me now a days. I don't blame them.

"Your mom got the invitations done." He said, returning to the kitchen with a box in his hands.

I took an apple from the counter and bit into it. "What? We didn't even set a da-"

"August 22. It's a Saturday, at Yankee Stadium. Your mom and dad pitched in to buy all your friends airplane tickets. They're in the box. I was hoping we could give it to them tonight."

"Tonight? I'm not going out tonight. Everything is moving so fast. It's not even a month since we had the engagement crap." I said throwing the apple away and walking into the dining room.

He followed me, as always, "Crap? Jackie, this is our wedding. It's not crap. I invited everyone-"

"Wait, who is everyone?" I asked, cutting him off. It's like he's taken control of my life.

"Zacky, Zina, your friends just everyone. I want to have a nice dinner, it's on me. I want to give them the invites and stuff like that. Is that so bad? I'm making an effort. Can you meet me half way there?" I rolled my eyes and took a seat on the chair in the dining room. I didn't want to be around anyone, let alone Jesse.

But how can you say no to dinner?! Specially when he's paying! "Fine. I'll go."

For the rest of the day, I didn't speak to him. He went out with his friends from the league and I stood at home, planning a suicide. It wasn't going so well. For starters, I'm nauseated by the smell of bleach. I don't know how to make a noose. I'm afraid of heights. And I have an electrical oven, so I can't use carbon monoxide to kill myself... So instead, I  watched television and ate popcorn.

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