Chapter 34

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A few weeks later, Oliver was finally able to get in touch with John Constantine. He told Oliver that he would meet him tomorrow night in his bunker so that he could teach him and Thea how to use the tattoos.

Laurel now had an opponent in the race for mayor and her name was Ruve Adams. The kids had told them that she was really Darhk's wife trying to get control of the city so that he could use it for his own means. This meant that they couldn't let this woman win the race no matter what happened.

Laurel had a debate against Ruve, and she seemed to do better in the polls then Ruve did. That was good for the first debate anyways. She would have to keep it up. She also knew that she would have to watch her back, because being a cops daughter let her know that if she did to well and Ruve fell too far behind in the polls that Darhk might just try to take her out.

Lately something had been off with Laurel, so she decided that she was going to go to the doctor and see what was going on. When she was at the doctor, they took some blood to see if they could find out what was wrong with her. When the doctor got the results, he came in the room and said, "Well, I have good news for you Mrs. Queen, you are as healthy as can be."

"Then why do I feel so weird?" Laurel asked.

"There is nothing wrong, although that leads me to the other news. You are pregnant." The doctor said.

"Wow, I mean we have been trying, I just didn't expect it this quick." Laurel said.

"Ok, well at least it isn't a total shock to you then." The doctor said.

"No, it isn't. Thank you, doctor. I had better get home and tell my husband." Laurel said and the doctor nodded and left the room.

Laurel went back to the campaign office to finish her day out and then she went down to the bunker to meet the rest of the team. Everyone was already there, and Oliver and Thea were waiting on Constantine to show up and train them with his magic.

"Ok everyone, Thea and I will be working with Constantine tonight. The rest of you should go out and patrol and then come back and train for a while." Oliver said.

"On it Ollie." Sara said as she and the others went to change.

Oliver realized that Laurel wasn't going to change so he asked, "Hey, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I am fine. I don't feel quite right, so I am just going to stay in for tonight." Laurel said.

"Ok. You sure you are ok though?" Oliver asked.

"More than ok. We will talk more once we get home." Laurel said and Oliver nodded.

Just then Constantine walked into the bunker and said, "Good to see you again mate. So, you want to know how to use those tattoos?" Constantine asked.

"Yeah, Damian Darhk is in town and we need to know how to use the tattoos to stop him." Thea said.

"I can show you how to use them. It might be hard though. You see the tattoo work against Darhk's magic because they are channeled by the light, where Darhk's is channeled by darkness." Constantine said.

"Oh great. You are talking to the two people who have a lot of darkness inside of them." Oliver said.

"Ollie can I talk to the two of you for a second?" Laurel asked and Oliver nodded as he and Thea walked over to Laurel.

"If you need to find the light that is inside of you, you need to think of all the good you have in your life. You have me, Thea, the kids." Laurel said.

"Yeah, but the kids are not technically ours now. At least not until they are born." Oliver said.

"About that. I went to the doctor today and they are on the way." Laurel said with a smile.

"Really? Ok then, I think I can make this work." Oliver said.

"Congratulations, you two. I am so happy for you." Thea said.

"Thea, I would appreciate it if you would keep that to yourself for a while." Laurel said.

"Sure thing. My lips are sealed." Thea said.

Oliver and Thea walked back over to Constantine and were about ready to try this to see how they would do when Oliver had an idea. "John, do you think you can do one more of those tattoos?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, I should be able to do one. I won't be able to give it to your whole team though." Constantine said.

"That's fine. This is more for protection than anything." Oliver said.

"Hey Laurel come over here really quick." Oliver said and Laurel walked over.

"Is this the one you want it on?" Constantine asked.

"Yeah, she could use one as well." Oliver said.

"What are you talking about Ollie?" Laurel asked.

"You are getting one of these tattoos. It will protect you against Darhk's magic if nothing else." Oliver said.

"Ok love, where would you want me to put it?" Constantine asked.

"Put it on my spin, between the shoulder blades." Laurel said.

Constantine nodded and then he said a spell and the tattoo formed on Laurel's spin. "Ok love, you will have to practice with us as well." Constantine said and Laurel nodded.

"So, who is going first?" Constantine asked.

"I will." Thea said.

"Ok, I will use a low dose of magic first and then I will ramp it up until I am using the darkest magic that I can." Constantine said and Thea nodded.

They did well at the beginning, and she continued to do well until Constantine used all of his dark power against her. "Well love, I think you will be fine." Constantine said.

"Ok, I guess it is my turn now." Oliver said.

Constantine used his magic on Oliver. He was doing well at first but the darker the magic got, Oliver started to have problems with it. "Ok mate, we will take a break while I work on your wife." Constantine said and Oliver nodded.

Constantine went over to Laurel and used his magic on her, and she passed the whole thing with flying colors. "Wow, she is the best I have ever seen at this. It is like she doesn't have a dark bone in her body. She is almost like pure light." Constantine said.

"Oh, I have plenty of darkness. Just ask those guys I beat the shit out of the other week." Laurel said.

"You know how to channel it. You don't let it take over." Constantine said.

"Ok Oliver, we will try with you one more time. If you don't get it this time, I will come back another time and work on it again." Constantine said and Oliver nodded.

This time Oliver was able to get farther then last time but near the end he was still taken over by the darkness. "You were almost there mate. I will come back in a couple of days and we will work on this again." Constantine said and Oliver nodded.

Constantine left and all of the other members of the team came back to the bunker and changed into their street close so that they could go home.

Laurel then walked up to Oliver and said, "Let's go home you must be tired after that. I know I am, and I only did it one time." And then they walked out of the bunker and headed home for the night.

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