Chapter 50

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A few days later the team was down in the bunker and were training before they went out and went on patrol for a while. The past few nights they had some leads on Diaz, but they were unable to take down Diaz, but were able to destroy what he was working on. Sooner or later, they would catch Diaz in the act and send him to prison for good this time.

They were done training and were now going to change into their suits to go out on patrol. Oliver looked over at Barbara and Roy as he was walking out of the changing area and he saw that they seemed to be getting along well and it made him wonder if there was something going on between them. Not that it was a problem because Oliver and Laurel were together and so were Thea and Sara. He would keep an eye on that and see what happens.

"Hey, have you noticed how close Roy and Barbara seem to be?" Oliver asked Laurel.

"No, I haven't, but now that I do look at them, I can see that something might be going on there." Laurel said.

"Well, that is good for them if they are together. They make a good couple." Oliver said.

"I agree. Let's just see how it goes." Laurel said and Oliver nodded in agreement.

"See how what goes?" Sara asked as she walked up to the two of them.

"We were looking at Roy and Barbara and thought that they might be together by the way that they were acting." Laurel said.

"You know I could tell you the answer to that right now." Sara said and she concentrated, and she had a vision.

"Oh, they are together or at least are going to be together." Sara said.

"What did you see?" Oliver asked.

"I saw them out on a date and then I saw something that it isn't my place to mention." Sara said.

"You saw them in the bedroom?" Laurel asked.

"Yeah, and it was hot if I do say so myself." Sara said.

"I know you prefer women Sara, but I am surprised that you and Thea don't have a guy for the two of you every so often, being that you are both bi." Oliver said.

"Who says we don't." Sara said and then she winked at Oliver.

"I know you both could have had Tommy but then he decided to follow his father's path. Just don't mess up what you have between the two of you." Oliver said.

"I was just kidding with you. We don't have a guy on the side and if we did, we would both consent on it before we did anything." Sara said.

"Good, so I was thinking it would be fun to see how Barbara and Roy look on a date, so why don't we tell them that they have the night off and then we follow them and see what's going on." Laurel said.

"What, is adult life getting boring for you, so you want to go and spy on our friends?" Sara asked.

"That's right. We are at home with the kids or doing this every night. I think we deserve some fun." Laurel said.

"Oh, I don't blame you. I am in, and I am sure Thea will be as well." Sara said.

"What am I in on?" Thea asked as she walked up.

"Our significant others want to go spy on Roy and Barbara on their date that is going to happen once we give them the night off." Oliver said.

"Oh, I am most definitely in for this type of fun. I could use this. I will call Nora and tell her we might be a bit later tonight and that she will have to watch the twins for a little bit longer tonight." Thea said.

"Ok, well I will go and give them their night off then." Oliver said as he walked over to Roy and Barbara.

"Hey, guys, looks like not much is going on tonight. We are all going to take off and go home early. You can stay here and train some more or leave. It is up to you." Oliver said.

"We will leave. Thanks for letting us know Oliver." Barbara said as she and Roy went to change into street clothes from their training clothes.

"Ok, get ready so that we can follow them." Thea said.

"Guys, I am going to go home and watch the kids. You three have fun." Oliver said.

"Ok, see you later baby." Laurel said as she kissed him, and he left to go home.

"Ok, girls' night. It has been a while since we have had one of those." Sara said.

"Let's go and see where they go." Thea said as the three of them when and got in Sara's car and followed the cab that Roy and Barbara had caught. They pulled off at the Big Belly Burger and Sara followed.

"Let find a table in the corner that they won't see us sitting at." Laurel said.

"How will we get food if we can't go up to the register to order without them seeing us?" Thea asked.

"They now have where you can order online, and they will bring your food to you." Sara said.

"That will work." Thea said.

They ordered and waited for their food as they watched the date that was happening across the restaurant and had to admit that Roy and Barbara made a very cute couple. Once the food came, they all ate while still keep an eye on the new couple of the team. As they were getting ready to call it a night, Roy caught sight of the three women and he and Barbara walked over to them.

"Hey guys. We didn't know that you were here." Thea said.

"That's bull and you know it. We spotted you as soon as we got out of the cab. So, what is going on here?" Roy asked.

"Well, we noticed that it looked like you guys were getting close, so we decided to follow you to see how close you guys really were." Laurel said.

"You could have just asked." Barbara said.

"Yeah, we could have, but where is the fun in that. We are stuck at home most of the time when we are not in the field or at work. We needed some fun. So here we are." Sara said.

"Well, I guess that makes since. Just so you know we are trying to see where things go as a couple." Roy said.

"We are happy for you. Now go and have fun. We will see you both tomorrow night." Laurel said.

"See you three then." Barbara said as they left the restaurant.

"You guys ready to go home for the night?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, I think this was what I was looking for. Just sometime without kids." Laurel said.

"Well, we can do this more often if you want." Sara said.

"That would be good. Let's go home and see how Ollie is doing with two toddlers and a young girl." Laurel said and they all laughed as they left the restaurant.

A/N: Just thought it would be fun to have a girl's night out for the team in a fun and different way to get their minds off of everything going on with the team. Hope you enjoyed it.

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