Chapter 36

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Over the next couple of days Laurel and Alex had been working together to get her ready for the debate that was coming up. Alex also setup all of the places that she needed to go and visit so that her face was out there for people to see. He had Laurel visiting the fire department and police department. He then had her go to a homeless shelter and volunteer to help out for the day. This was really cause Laurel to rise in the polls.

"I have a few things that concern me that I don't know what to do with." Alex said.

"Ok, well list them off and we will see what we can do about the problems." Laurel said.

"Well, first of all, you have no experience in this kind of job. We can work around that though, because it means that you might have some fresh ideas that a career politician might not have. The downside is that people on the city council might not like you as much because you will be less likely to just vote something through for them like a career politician would." Alex said.

"I think the city could use something like that now. This city is slowly being flushed down the drain because people have been signing bad laws into effect, which makes the city more and more corrupt." Laurel said.

"I don't disagree with you. I actually like that you don't have any experience. That is why I wanted to work with you, because I think you will bring new things to the table." Alex said.

"Ok, so what else do you have that I need to work on?" Laurel asked.

"This one is not necessarily about you. It is more about your husband." Alex said.

"What about Ollie?" Laurel asked.

"I don't think that it would be good for your image if Oliver is running a night club." Alex said.

"Yeah, I guess I see where that could be a problem. I will talk to him and see what we can come up with." Laurel said.

"Ok, that is all I have for now. I will get out of your hair and let you get back to work." Alex said and then he left the office.

Laurel then picked up her phone and called Felicity to see how her search on the Darhks was going. Felicity picked up and told her that she was finally about to find something about Darhk and also about Ruve that they could use against them.

"Of course, we know that Darhk is a evil son of a bitch who doesn't mind killing people to get his way. I have found information on him that one of his alias's is wanted for murder in New York. I know we can't send the police after him because his magic will overwhelm them. As for Ruve, she seems to be a good person on the surface, but I found out that she is just as dirty as her husband. She likes to run for public office everywhere that they go, and when she does end up winning, she runs the place into the ground because she uses all of the city's resources to suit the needs of her and her husband. So, in my opinion, if she wins here she will use the city's money to do whatever it is that her husband is trying to accomplice her in Star City." Felicity said.

"That's good work Felicity. Now we know that she is dirty, we have something to use against her if we ever need to." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I will make a copy of all of this incase they decide to erase all of this information somehow." Felicity said.

"Good idea. Also, look and find out if you can see where they work out of or if you can find their home. That would be really helpful, so that the team can take them down as soon as possible." Laurel said.

"Ok, I am on it. I will let you go. I am sure you have a lot of work to do." Felicity said.

"Yeah, I will talk to you later and see what you have found out." Laurel said and she hung up the phone.

Laurel was about to call Oliver, but it just so happened that he was walking into her office when she was about to dial him up. "I was just about to call you. Alex brought up a good point that I think we need to talk about." Laurel said.

"Ok, so what do I need to do?" Oliver asked.

"He doesn't think that you working at a night club would be good for my image. I don't know what to do about that though." Laurel said.

"Don't worry about it. This had already crossed my mind and I am working on something." Oliver said.

"And what would what be?" Laurel asked.

"I have been talking to Thea and Walter ever since you decided to run for mayor, and I have decided that I am going to take my rightful place and go work for QC." Oliver said.

"Don't do that just for me Ollie. If you don't want to work there, you don't have to." Laurel said.

"This was my idea and I think it is time for one of use Queen children to take over." Oliver said.

"Ok, just make sure you are doing this for you and not just because of me running for mayor." Laurel said.

"I am doing this for me. I am going to work for a couple of months under Walter so that I can learn how to do everything and then once I take charge, Walter will stay on just in case I need him to take over for a while for any reason, like when the babies come." Oliver said.

"Well, it looks like you have everything worked out then. So, I talked to Felicity earlier, and she has found dirt on both Darhk and Ruve." Laurel said.

"I will have to go and see what she has found. Maybe this will be quick once we find where they are hiding out. It could give us enough ammo to keep them locked up once we take them down." Oliver said and Laurel nodded as they both went to the hidden elevator and went down to the bunker.

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