I've Missed You

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I stood trying to get the stupid burner to light so I could make myself a coffee, but it wasn't having it.

"Ohh come on you hunk of crap!" I yelled giving it a wack but that made the metal rings ping off and the nob fall to the floor I sighed taking a breath for a moment "You fucking cunt" I sighed I gave up and went to my shower feeling the ice cold water I waited a good while for it to heat up but it just stayed as Ice so I climbed in a cols shower will wake me up, I tried not to shiver in the cold water getting clean before climbing out the apartment felt warm compared to the shower. I went back to my bedroom getting dressed for the day just my black T shirt and my jeans will do I wasn't planning on going anywhere or having anyone visit today. I sat at the table setting up my board trying to ignore the phone as it sat there on the table, I didn't want to look at it, I didn't want to call her, but at the same time I did, I wanted her to call me up and for her to apologize but I know she won't. I have a habit of girls treating me like shit and living with it don't I? 

I don't know what I excepted with a girl like Beth Harmon.

I did miss her, but she didn't miss me, she didn't care about me, I wanted to call her up tell her I was sorry for what I said but.. I wouldn't have meant it. 

I couldn't help but he reminded... Of Y/n. 

my god did I love her, and she loved me more then anything, But I pushed her away focused on my work, on my games and I pushed her so far she completely walked out of my life, Now thanks to Beth. I know how it feels to be pushed away.

If I ever saw her again I would take her in my arms, kiss her a thousand times and tell her how much I'm sorry and how much I love her, but I haven't seen her now in years But even just thinking about her makes me smile not a day goes by I don't think about her. 

I focused on my game trying not to think about women. What do I need a woman for anyway, I'm fine on my own. 

I sat working for a good few hours when I jumped hearing the door knock. I was confused I wasn't expecting anyone, and I know I paid my rent. I got up unsure who it could be I went over as it knocked again so I slowly opened it, 

"Y-Y/n?" I stuttered in shock seeing her stood at the bottom of the stairs, her little black shoes against the stone, her black stoking's perfectly up her legs her sweet black dress around her tightly as usual, a bag over her shoulder, her sweet hair and face just as I remembered her, she was undeniably a little bigger then she was last I saw her but I didn't care I wanted to take her in my arms and tell her how sorry I was but she seemed so emotionless so indifferent to see me, 

"Hello Benny" she says 

"What are you doing here?"

"I uhh I thought I would come visit. May we come in?"


she then moved her hand and pushed forward a little body that had been hiding behind her dress, a little boy no older then six, he was small, lanky, with a mop of blonde hair. I nodded and let them both into the apartment, she looked around with a faint smile, I wanted to smile seeing her here again after so long apart. 

"Y/n, It- it's been years"

"Six and a half years, almost the the day" she says 

"What are you doing here y/n?"

"Alex!" she called as the little boy was at my chess board going to touch it "You ask Mr Watts first if it's okay to touch his chess board" 

"I'm sorry Mama, Can I play?" the little boy asked 

"Uhh sure go ahead" I told him he smiled starting to play a game with himself, "Y/n, What are you doing here?" I asked again

"Didn't think you'd be pleased to see me" she says more to herself

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