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I hummed my little tune as I sat on the small round beige leather ottoman atop of the black and white patterned rug. My bare feet tucked up under myself to protect them from the cold concrete floor of the basement I called my home. My little grey dresses around me snugly with my black cardigan over me to keep out the chill buttoned up tightly across my chest. My hair sat perfectly fresh from its rollers and the half a bottle of hairspray that coated my curls. I had folded my ironing board on its lowest setting so it was at the perfect height for me sitting on the ottoman, the small basket of laundry to my left side and the table to my right. I picked up one of Benny's textured green button-downs fresh from the dryer and left it to cool I laid it out on my board doing the back first as it's the most amount of fabric spritzing it with my iron first to dampen the fabric before running my little iron over it removing every crease and crinkle, I did the back, sleeves, collar, and noticed he was missing a button again so I sighed folding it up and setting it on my pile to repair once I was done ironing.

"I don't know what you do Benjamin I really don't" I pouted as I moved on to one of his smaller cotton t-shirts

"Hum?" He asks, having not been paying the slightest bit of attention. Sat up the dining table or well the chess table as I fail to recall the last time we ate dinner on it. Chess board before him, notes perfectly parallel to his board pen atop the pad. His clock somewhere I didn't know his small coffee cup in hand having himself a sip of the coffee that was now likely cold as I made it for him an hour ago. He too had moved his bare feet away from the cold concrete floor, his jeans hugging him close his belt and knife somewhere else likely wrapped around our bedpost, his grey slightly silver striped button down around him the few higher buttons undone two because he wanted them to be and one of them because it has actually come off. He wouldn't let me fix it. His hair was loose and messy from his shower this morning it is now mostly dry in that fresh fluffy state.

"I don't know how you do it. You get thought buttons almost once a month" I complained as I worked

"Am I?"

"Yes," I laughed "what on earth are you doing? Ripping your shirts off?"

"Well if the damage is from ripping my shirts off I'm not completely to blame" he smirked leaning his elbow on the table, his hand on his chin. I gave him a glare and he only smirked back "am I my little flittermouse?"

"But mostly you"

"I don't deny it's mostly ripping and throwing my shirts around but I want you to admit you are also at fault"

"Why? What purpose would that solve?" I asked folding his shirt

"A boast to my ego" he shrugs

"You get quiet enough of those benny," I said grabbing the next shirt

"Umm yes I do" he winked

"I'm holding an iron and your favourite shirt. You wanna try this?" I warn

"Fine. Grumpy like flittermouse today" he says proceeding with his chess

"Why did I buy you that dictionary?" I rolled my eyes as I ironed

"You wanted me to expand my vocabulary"

"Yes to stop you using the word good in every sentence"

"And I leant lots of fun words. Especially once that reminds me of my darling little y/n"

"But flittermouse?"

"It suits you" he shrugs

"Ohhh, go play chess benny"

"I will" he smiled, continuing with his game so I continued on with my ironing until he spoke up again "y/n?"

"Yes?" I asked folding his jeans

"You're my little flittermouse"

"I know" I rolled my eyes

"But what am I?"

"Your benny." I answered "or Benjamin when I want to bug you or let you know you're in trouble"

"Really? I'm just benny? You don't think or refer to me as anything else?"

"Like what?"

"Like... do you ever sit and think, 'i hope my sweet honeybun is okay so far away' or that stupid little sugarplum I love so much' or 'your darling'? Perhaps"

"I refer to you as benny."

"You don't have a fun pet name for me?"

"My idiot?"

"Ohh. I kinda hope you called me something cute too"

"Did you want me to?"

"....maybe" he answered sheepishly

"Well, I have a few ideas" I smiled as I finished my ironing and put down my board so I hopped to the sofa and opened my arms, he needed no further instruction as he quickly scampered from his chair to the sofa nuzzling his head into my chest for a cuddle nuzzling his cold nose into my cardigan wrapping his arms around me as of I was a floating device and he was lost at sea in the freezing cold.

"Ummmm" he sighed happily

"Happy boy?"

"Ummm humm" he mumbled against me

"You wanna hear my ideas?"

"I would like to yes"

"Well I often call you my idiot"

"I'm well aware"

"Sometimes I call you my little snuggle bug"

"Awww you do?" He asks slightly picking his head up

"I do. Sometimes when you're away for days I lay in bed thinking I hope my snuggle bug is nice and warm"

"Awww but why snuggle bug?'

".... Do I need to explain?' I asked looking at his current state

"Fair enough. I just like to snuggle"

"I know you do. It's sweet. My sweet benny likes to snuggle" I smiled

"Any other ones you use for me?"

"Well, I sometimes call you..."



"Thu- Thumper!" He complained sitting up more so he could see my face "thumper! Why do you call me thumper!'

"You remind me of him"

"Remind you- in what way do I remind you of the rabbit from Bambi?"

"... I can't really explain it benny" 

"Tell me" 

"Fine" I giggled sitting comfortably and opening my arms "Come on" 

he smiled and came for a cuddle I made sure he laid on his back so his head was in my lap looking up at me "Hi"

"Hi" I smiled humming my sweet little tune as I softly pet his hair he smiled nuzzling close and comfy with me every so often I'd find a little spot on his head that made his leg move a little I continued every so often intentionally making him do it and singing the little song " lalaallaa" I sang making his leg bounce uncontrollably and he suddenly realized 

"..... fair enough" He sighed realizing the situation he was in 

"My little thumper" I giggled petting his hair 

"I am not happy with this" he pouts

"Benjamin" I giggled playing with his hair 

"Ummmmmmmmmmmm fine" he smiled nuzzling close 

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