Red Head

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I sat at my table in my apartment hoping my wicked little plan was going to work as I intended. Across my apartment Beth sat sorting her suitcase for the four days she'd be here between the Ohio tournament and Paris, she had intended to get a hotel but I offered my living room to her. It wasn't the case I was feeling nice I did have a point to doing so, I was trying to Coax Y/n over as I know she can be a little... jealous. So as soon as she finds out I have a lady here she'll be over which is really what I want. I miss Y/n so so much, I knew I missed her the moment I got back through the basement door, as all I wanted was to see her sweet Y/E/C eyes and cute red curls. To wrap my arms around her waist and give her a billion kisses. I miss her so badly, but I knew why we were apart. We were young and in love so happy and excited and then... things happened, and I knocked her up. It made our relationship very strained even if we both still loved each other so deeply that we needed time apart she moved out about six months into her pregnancy and I had been visiting her as much as I could. Once our little angel was born we agreed to spend as much time as could to see our sweet girl as much as possible. I had to work still so I'd been off on tournaments and championships so I hadn't seen Y/n or our daughter for almost two months! That's like half her little life I've missed! But now I'm home... the only thing I want is Y/n and my daughter back in my arms where they belong, forever this time. But... if it doesn't work... I have Beth. which will do I guess I know I should think better about Beth, she is nice I guess but honestly... I'd trade the world to have Y/n and Ila back.

Maybe if Y/n sees me with another lady she might get jealous and realize how much she misses me too. I can hope!

I sat not paying much attention to Beth and her business, and I perked up as the phone rang. So I cleared my throat and picked up the phone,


"Hi Watts," her sweet voice comes through the phone,

I knew her call was coming it's like she has a sixth sense, for this type of stuff. So I smiled and replied, "Hello Y/n,"

"I need a favour,"

"Oh? enlighten me?"

"Sitter cancelled and I have a double shift today so can I-"

"Don't even sweat it, ohh actually give me a sec," I told her playfully, I moved the phone but made sure it was close enough Y/n would still hear me, "Beth?" I asked,

"Yes?" she asked looking up to me,

"you alright with my daughter coming to stay for the night?"

"Ohh... uhh yeah sure," she shrugged,

"Good," I nodded before I returned to the phone, "Yeah no problem bring her by and I'll look after her,"

"You sure if you have a visitor?"

"I'm sure, bring her over. I'll see you soon,"

"Alright see you soon,"

I hung up the phone,

"How old is your daughter?" Beth asked,

"She's four months," I smiled,

"ohh, still a baby," she said a little nervous, "Never been around babies,"

"Awww Ila is a beautiful well behaved little angel," I smiled,


"Ila. Ila Watts. She's perfect,"

"I never imagined you... as a dad?"

"Well, it happens," I shrug, "And... I don't know, I think I'm kinda... made to be a dad,"

It wasn't long until the door knocked so I fixed my hair and ran to the door opening it up to let her in. Y/n stood beyond my door, in her little white sneakers, her flesh-tone stockings, her little white dress with her cardigan and bag over her shoulder, her sweet red hair in little curls around her shoulders, her sweet Y/E/C eyes and freckles across her face. And in her arms! the sweetest little baby ever! her cute little pale skin and freckles and Y/E/C eyes just like her mother but she had my hair and my nose Y/n had dressed her in a cute little purple dress with little pink butterflies and put her blonde hair in a braid,

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