Benny The Bunny sitter p1

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I woke gently, the cool white light coming in from my bedroom window, the Humm of the pipes on the walls, my bed cosy and soft around me I almost didn't want to move. I laid a while going over all the things I usually did before forcing the covers away from me sitting up putting my bare feet onto the stone floor, I pushed my body up and grabbed the kimono from my door throwing it over my body, I yawned having a stretch as I walked across my ice cold apartment the heating not yet on properly. I stumbled over to the kitchen sitting the kettle with enough water in from yesterday on the stove having to give it an odd turn before it lit. I grabbed one of my cheap take away cups making my usual coffee once the water boiled I poured it in leaving in for a moment while I took a piss not doing so great considering my half awake state as well as that fact I had morning wood once I returned the coffee was cool enough to drink so I had a few prolonged sips each bringing me a little more into this world.

"BENJAMIN WATTS! OPEN THIS DOOR!" I heard yelled from the other side of my front door along with a few loud bangs I admit I jumped a little I almost dropped my coffee

"One minute" I yelled back putting my coffee down I quickly grabbed some clean or clean enough jeans slipping them on and going to the door once I pulled it open I was taken aback I admit I didn't really know who to expect but this certainly wouldn't have been my first, second or even third guess "hi y/n?"

"I need a word it's urgent"

"Okay" I nodded letting her in my apartment she didn't look happy then again she usually doesn't. I looked her over attempting to predict whatever could be so urgent.

She had her black kitten heels with the red undersoles, black fishnet stockings that stopped around her mid thighs, a skin tight red dress that hugged her curves a black belt around her waist, the top of the dress sculpted almost like a corset, a fair amount of very good cleavage, the sleeves running down to her elbows, with black lining and buttons in a few places, her hair backcombed and pushed back with an alice band as she usually did and of course it was black and red stripes on the alice band to match her overall outfit, her make up less good then usual like she'd been wearing it a while and it had mostly faded now as her trade mark blood red lipstick had long since faded to barely anything, her black handbag in her hand as she walked in and passed slightly

"What's going on?" I asked as after all that I really couldn't read her or what she could have possibly wanted

"I have a favor to ask you" she says moving her hands down her hips a little rubbing them on her dress as she often does when she's nervous

"What kinda favor?"

"Your not away now till next season are you?"

"No tournament seasons over planning on just chilling here, why?"

"I had a meeting this morning" she says as she walked around fiddling with things in my apartment

"Right?" I asked mining for more information going back to my coffee

"With Oscar" she spoke up

"Oscar your agent?"

"Yes oscar my agent" she says leaning on the chair at the table

"None of that explains you attempting to kick my door in at nine am on a Saturday"

"Benny it's ten am. And it's Monday"

".... Fucking time zones." I complained rubbing my eyes a little I must still mucked up from all the time hopping

"But long story short for reasons I won't bother to explain to you, I'm going to be... away for a while"

"Where are you going?"


"How long are you going to be gone?"

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