Over The Phone P1

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I finished making my bed setting the covers and pillows down nicely, I was ever so excited keeping an eye on the little white and black clock on my bedside table, a nice soft blanket already set for me to lay on. My red rotary sat on the end of my bed beside my wooden chess board both waiting as eagerly as me. I turned the dimmer switch turning the lights down low and lighting a candle or two filling the room with the woodsy scent, I slipped off my robe from my shower kicking it into my laundry hamper grabbed my little black lace negligee slipping it over me adding a spray of my favourite perfume. I checked the time again and couldn't help but bite my nail from excitement crawling into bed grabbing my stuffie bunny hugging it close to my chest as I watched the time tick over and immediately my phone rang.

"Perfectly on schedule" I cooed watching it ring a couple of times before picking it up bringing the receiver to my ear wrapping my fingers around the twisting cord "Hello?" I asked as seductive as I could

"Hello," his cocky voice spoke back "I'm looking for a Miss Y/l/n? Might you know where she is?" He plaid up

"Well, that depends, who may I ask is calling?"

"Like you don't know it's me"

"Hi Benny" I blushed

"Hi y/n," he smiled back "I miss you"

"Awwww" I giggled "I miss you too, it's not fun when your so far away"

"It's not, you know I'd give anything to be there with you"


"Anything stuffs just tight right now"

"I know, it's okay Benny. Your voice will just have to suffice for now"

"Your so sweet, I promise when the seasons are over and I actually have some fucking money I'll come to see you for a while"

"You know you're always welcome,"

"What did you do today?"

"Nothing much, just some practice for next week, what about you?"

"Just chores and things, setting up for tonight"

"You always get so excited"

"You don't?"

"Humm you know I do babydoll"

so shall we?"

"Absolutely, who are you playing?"

"White as it is my turn"

"Alright," he chuckled and I could hear him clearly moving his board around "Your move first then"

We plaid out a game of chess telling each other our moves and acting it all out on our own boards

"And that's check babydoll, once again I win"

"You always win"

"Humm sometimes I'm convinced you let me win"

"Why would I do that?"

"... Because you like when you lose"

"No, I don't"

"Liar" he smirked, "so shall we?"

"Absolutely" I blushed putting my board away

"So what's my babydoll doing in our call tonight?"

"I'm in my nicely made bed, lights low, candles on, with my stuffie"

"I swear you love that bunny more than you love me"

"Nooo, it's just nice to have something to snuggle when you're not here with me benny, besides it's a nice reminder of you"

"Well happy you like him so much, but he better not be getting my kisses while I'm gone"

"No I'm saving all my kisses" I smiled

"Good girl,"

"What about you?"

"Well, shut up in my bedroom tucked up in bed rather, longingly looking at the other empty half of my bed" he explained

"Awww you must be chilly all alone in that dark basement"

"A little, you always make this place so cosy," he says "Tell me so I can really get a picture... what's my babydoll wearing tonight?"

"Ummm well, you could take a guess"

"Humm" he chuckled "let me guess that little black dress you love to show off in?"


"Umm, what about those little black shorts of yours?"

"No not today"

"Ummmm you better not be in that white nightie again. You know what that one does to me babydoll"

"Noo guess again"

"You're not?"


"You bad bad girl, I told you to save that for when I come to see you"

"Well I wanted to make sure it fit and looked nice and pretty when it arrived" I smiled playing with my lace

"Fuck I wanna see you in that so bad, the magazine model looked good but I know you're going to look even more beautiful in it"

"It does look nice your always do good at picking things out for me Benny"

"Well I know your body very well babydoll" he smirked

"What about you?"

"Humm nothing"

"Nothing at all?"

"No, fresh out of my shower I knew I was calling you so I didn't see much of a point in putting anything on" he smirked "I've missed you babydoll"

"I've missed you more"

"Yeah? How bad have you missed me?"

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