Morning In New York

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I woke up gently with a wide smile on my face as I often did, I pushed the arms off me and climbed out of bed onto the ice-cold concrete floor, I opened the glass door with a creak heading out into the apartment setting the kettle on the stove and turning on the shower letting it heat up as I ran back to my room grabbing my underwear and my dress hanging it all up on the strangely shaped lamp. I jumped in the shower throwing my nightie to the floor scrubbing my body as much as I could with the slither of soap we had left and washed my hair jumping out and drying off with my towel before throwing it in the washing machine with my nightie as I got dressed into my dress and made coffee leaving it on the side next to the kettle, grabbing my handbag and scurrying my little feet to the front door locking it behind me. I climbed the little dirty steps out to the bustling New York street almost dancing my feet in my little kitten heels down the pavement in the whistling wind as it pushed orange and red leaves down the street with me hearing the noise of the city, of cars or people, of music playing from the shops as I got close to them as shopkeeps were opening up brushing dirt from the shops into there street the bags of trash everywhere and random people starting to walk about, I began to spot over ladies in similar dresses heading to the shops too. I scurried into the market going around getting my shopping list from my handbag grabbing everything we needed and a few things we did it mostly because they were cheap, as soon as I was done at the market I paid and grabbed the brown paper bag holding it close to my chest, hurting back down the pavement, I popped my head into the pharmacy grabbing some cigarettes and some other bits I needed 

"Ohh here you go Y/n, save benny coming in later," He says handing me a couple of chess revies that had come out since we had been away 

"Ohh thanks, joe" I smiled taking and paying shoving it all in my paper bag with everything else and heading down the road grabbing the parking ticked on the beetle sighing as I did. heading carefully down the little steps to the apartment unlocking it going inside to hear the little noise of the record player gently turning playing a little song I looked in and smiled seeing benny sat at his table setting up a chessboard, in his jeans and the flowery robe I swear I once owned, Well I suppose it's his now. He turned seeing me come in as I shut the door with my hip his hair hung in his eyes in matted bed head that desperately needed brushing the coffee I made this morning sat next to his board half-drunk "Morning Benny"

"Morning" He answered concentrating on whatever it was he was doing today 

I went to the fridge unpacking my shopping putting everything away in the kitchen hiding my cigarettes away in my pocket putting the magazines on the table and grabbing the little bar of chocolate I bought at the market secretly slipping it next to the board He saw and smiled a little bit before I could move away he grabbed my hips pulling me to sit across his lap 

"Ahhh benny!" I giggled in shock at being suddenly on his lap "Hello"

"Hello," He smiled giving my cheek a kiss "what's this?" he asked as he now had my cigarettes in his hand 

"How did you-"

"Never you mind How," He warns glaring at me 

"I was just passing" I shrug 

"One" He warns opening the pack taking out one cigarette and giving it to me and then putting the rest of the pack on the table "I check that pack and you've had anymore your in trouble" 

"I know, Thank you benny" I smiled giving him a kiss and going to make my own coffee "what did you get up to while I was gone anyway?"

"Ohh You know... I was busy" 

I groaned forcing my eyes open with the alarm blaring at me, I forced myself to move hitting the stupid thing as hard as I physically could getting out of bed putting my feet on the cold floor I grabbed a pair of clean underwear from the draw and slipping my jeans on and stretching grabbing my robe from the door wondering out to the living room stumbling over to the kitchen to make a coffee but as I was about to pick up the kettle I saw a cup of coffee sat on the side still steaming so I smiled and took it leaning on the counter sipping the coffee till my eyes cleared and I could start to think straight, I put my coffee down going to the fridge to see what was in there... eggs? EH, I don't want eggs, Apple juice? Ooh! I grabbed the carton and tried to drink some but I held it upside down and one single drop came out so I sighed throwing it in the bin and grabbing the carton of milk having a drink of that wiping my mouth and putting it back where it was, I grabbed a bit a cheese from the back of the fridge having a little bit that broke off in my hand, putting it back and then grabbing the cake y/n made the other week cutting a slice and eating that too, "Umm... I'm still hungry" I sighed checking the bathroom but it was empty... Guess I'm home alone? I put the record player on letting it play whatever the hell was already in it, as I went back to my bedroom looking around for a clean shirt to wear but I kept eyeing up my empty bed so I smirked slipping my robe off jumping back into bed slipping my hand under my jeans moving my hand as fast as I could trying not to get it over with already and as soon as I was done I turned over having a little nap. By the time I woke up again, I sighed getting my robe back on sitting at the table to play some tournament practise having a little more coffee just as the door opened to y/n in her little blue dress and shoes with a brown bag of shopping oooohh she got food.

 "Morning Benny" she smiled 

"Morning" I smiled to her she went to the kitchen putting everything she bought away, I kept an eye on her trying to see what she got in her shopping luckily she didn't notice the cake I stole, and I spotted out the corner of my eye her slip a pack of cigarettes in her pocket I forced my eyes back to the board to make it look like I didn't see as she came over putting a bar of chocolate on the table I smiled a little at her she went o move but I put my arm around her pulling her to sit on my lap 

"Ahhh Benny!" she complains giggling a little as she wasn't expecting it, "Hello" she smiled as she calmed down I snuck the cigarettes out her pocket 

"Hello," I told her slightly looking down her dress giving her a little soft kiss "What's this?" I asked showing her the pack and she looked panicked 

"How did you-

"Never you mind how" I warn her watching her very carefully as she thought 

"I was just passing" she shrugs clearly lying to me 

"One" I warn her opening the pack and getting one cigarette out handing it to her and putting the rest in a very obvious spot on the table "I check that pack and you've had anymore You're in trouble" I warn her looking at her straight in the eye so she knows I'm serious

"I know" she blushed "Thank you benny" she smiled giving me a kiss too and going to make a cup of coffee for herself "what did you get up to while I was gone anyway?" she asks

I smirked to myself a little "Ohh You know...  I was busy" 

"Ohh yeah benny doing what?" she asks coming to sit with me on the other side of the table with her coffee and her cigarette getting her little silver lighter from her pocket

"None of your business little lady" I smirked "and where did you get that?" I asked looking at her lighter

"Your sock draw" she smiled 

"better find a new hiding place" I sighed taking it out her hand and putting it in my pocket. 

"Ohh Benny Please" she whines pouting at me trying to look all sad an innocent but she knew as I kept my face as stern as before crossing my arms across my chest "Ooohhh Pretty Please Benny" she whines moving a little to let me see down her dress I glanced down a couple of times a hint of a smile breaking through moving her foot up my leg suggestively

"Fine, After" I told her getting up picking her up with me and tugging her back to bed...

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