We're A Family

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I sat on my bed leant over towards the mirror in my wardrobe to do my make-up, sat in my black lace bra and panties with my stockings around my thighs, my Y/H/C hair still in rollers as I got ready for tonight. I heard the door open and I looked in the mirror to see Marybelle her red curls up in a bun already in some jeans and a long button down, she leant on the doorframe.

"What?" she asked,

"I called you half an hour ago," I told her as I did my lipstick,

"Well, I'm here not. What do you want Mum?"

"I'm going out tonight,"

"I know..."

"Just reminding you," I chuckled, "I won't be home till tomorrow,"

"I know Mum... you're out with your boyfriend," she sighed as she headed elsewhere,

I rolled my eyes a little, I finished my makeup up put on my little black dress and heels, before finally took my hair out of my rollers.

I went downstairs and packed my handbag as Marybelle stood getting orange juice from the fridge. I heard the door so I fixed myself up and answered it quickly.

As I opened the door I saw Benny outside on the stoop in his black laced oxfords, his black trousers, his black silk shirt with silver pinstripes, his hair brushed to the side, his little blue beetle down on the street, he smiled at the door opened.

"Hello Sweetie," he smiled as he took my hand and gave it a soft little kiss,

"Hello Benny Darling," I cooed,

"For you," He smiled as he pulled his other hand from behind his back revealing a sweet bouquet of white roses,

"Ohhh Benny there beautiful," I smiled happily sniffing the sweet flowers before I headed inside putting them in the water as he came through to the kitchen too, "Marybelle you going to say hello to Benny?" I asked her,

"Hi, Ben."

"Hello Marybelle, how's school?"

"Ughh," she rolled her eyes trying to go back to her room,

"Marybelle," I told her preventing her from leaving,

"Yes Mother?" she sighed,

"Money for dinner is on the table, emergency numbers are on the fridge, no parties. No boys."

"Yes, Mother..." she sighed going back to her room,

I rolled my eyes a little and headed out with Benny locking up the door behind me,

We went to dinner and a movie before of course ending up as we always do in Benny's basement apartment the moment the door closed he leant my back against it his foot between mine his hands on my cheeks as his lips met mine, I quickly kissed him back enjoying the softness of his lips, the gentle taste and smell of the beer he drank at the resturanrt, I enjoyed every heavenly second of his lips on my own as our lips moved there clacking sound all that echoed in the basement apartment other then our desperate breaths, my hands found their way into his hair twisting my fingers in his blonde locks as his chin and upper lip tickled me, as I pulled him desperately close wanting to feel his every inch, his every way, he didn't deny me in fact bringing himself even closer as our kisses got not only more passionately but more sloppy and haphazardly as neither of us tried to kiss sweetly or beautifully our kisses only a vehicle for our rampant desire this becoming far messier. I began tugging and pulling on his hair, our bodies bumping one another as we both tried so desperately to be closer our heads moving up and down as we desperately kissed one another, our own mouth kisses causing us to battle one another for control and as much as he wanted it I wasn't going to simply give in and let him have it the little groans and gasps he made fueled me more as his hands exploded my dress without hesitation or restriction as one point he clearly forgot where we were as he tried to pull me up as if sitting me on something but of course I had nothing to sit on so the lift only served to rub out bodies together I slipped my hands from his hair stroking the smooth skin of his neck and moving my hands down grasping at his shirt before going back up to his hair pulling him away a little,

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