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I fixed my lipstick in the little mirror over the sink's reflection. Even if I do so in the unpredictable orange flicker of the light beside the shower. Once finished I adjusted my dress as I scampered across the apartment to slip my shoes on from the front door and swept my coat from the hook onto my body doing the button-up tightly.

"You sure you have to go?" Benny spoke up from his brown leather chair, barefoot as expected, his dark jeans, his black t-shirt, and green button down over him as the chill was getting to him, even if he had sleeves at his elbows and the chest almost utterly undone, his chains against his black shirt, the glint of silver at his wrists and fingers. He was somewhat pouting given our plans for the evening had to be utterly abandoned on such short notice when Jacob called just half an hour ago.

"You know I don't like having to drop everything, but sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles," I told him collecting my handbag and checking it over for all my things

"What am I supposed to do while you're gone?" he asked getting to his feet and coming closer "We had a whole evening planned and that's all just abandoned"

"I'm sure you can find a chess book or a nice game to occupy your time Benny" I laughed

"But... we were gonna sit and watch Psycho together when it comes on channel nine" he complained

"I know we were, but such is the issue with being on call. We can watch it tomorrow"

"It's not on tomorrow"

"I am sorry Benny"

"I know, I just... don't like when our plans get scattered to the fourth winds just because Jacob calls" He explained "Plus it's Halloween, and it's late the subway will have all the creepers out, You know I don't l;ike you rushing off to work this late on a normal day"

"Humm you're not normally one for superstition"

"Nothing to do with superstition, kids are harped up on candy, people are drunk, it's late the freaks always come out the woodwork this time of night"

"That's very sweet Benny" I smiled kissing his cheek "I'll see you when I get home"

"At least let me drive you to work, so you don't have to take the subway"

"You sure? You don't have to do that"

"Well I want to, if we can't spend the evening together I at least want to make sure you're safe"

"Thank you Benny" I smiled

I finished up with my handbag as he got his shoes, jacket and of course hat. Once everything was done we headed up to the car locking the apartment up as usual and up to the surface street seeing the streets fairly empty in the darkness the last few trick-or-treaters finishing up their routes the candles in jack-o-lantern dying down a few of them out completely. He opened the door for me letting me climb into the little blue beetle, Once he shut the door he climbed into the driver's seat and started up the car quickly heading through the city. It wasn't long until we arrived at the Mourge.

"Alright, give me a call when you're done and I'll come get you so you don't have to take the subway home"

"You know, I'll be on my own in there, we have a TV. You could come in with me and we could watch Pyscho while I work. we could even order a pizza?"

"Are you allowed to do that?"

"Jacob brings girls in on his shift all the time" I shrugged "Come on"

"Alright sure, why not? at least we spend the time together. Where should I park?"

"Use Jacobs space," I told him

So we parked up and he came around and opened the door for me letting me climb out. I used my keys to get us inside flicking the harsh lights on and making sure to lock the doors behind us, I slipped my coat off putting it on the rack and Benny did the same leaving his jacket and hat there, I grabbed my scrub coat from the office and headed inside

"Ooohh it's cold in here" Benny complained

"The whole place is a big fridge" I laughed "Better for everyone that way"

"Now I see why your hands and feet are always so cold when you get home from work"

"Make yourself comfortable Benny"

"I'm not sure I want to, I feel like everything in here has touched a corpse"



"Slabs. Helps you not to think about it" I told him as I finished washing my hands and got my gloves on

"Is it really good to be that desensitized?"

"Benny, they're dead, Me crying over the loss of life doesn't get my work done," I explained checking my notes and grabbing the body that I needed from the draw laying it out on my usual table "What?" I asked as I saw his face his skin almost white as he saw me

"That... that is a body"

"Well yeah? You know what I do Benny"

"I know but, it's something else when you're faced with a ...slab, who was he?"

"No idea, police just want it looked over that's all I know, look for evidence. Likely some kind of murder, what?" I asked getting my tools from the sanitizer where Jacob left them for me.

"Just kinda weird hearing you talk like this"

"At the end of the day, we're all just organs, bones and blood. And someone has to be in charge of cleaning us up" I said "So? you thinking pizza or Chinese food?" I asked starting my work on the slab making my first incision

"...uuuhhh I think I lost my appetite"

"Alright Benny" I laughed "Pop the radio on, it fills the air or you wanna put pyscho on?"

"I don't think I wanna watch a horror movie... something might wake up and come at me"

"Benny I have worked here for six years, nothing has ever jumped out at me. Except that one guy, he wasn't dead so?"

"Ahhhh I don't wanna know." He says

"You can go home if you want Benny"

"No no I want to be here with you I'm sure I'll get... used to it"

"Alright," I laughed "BOO!" I yelled making him jump


"Ohh be fun" I laughed grabbing the slab's arm "Hi Benny" I waved "Don't be scared of me I'm all stiff!"

"That's not funny y/n," He says "You want a coffee from the office machine?"

"Because there's no slab's in the office?"


"Okay but I'd save it till we get a little further through the process" I laughed 

Benny Watts ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now