Princess Daddy!

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I woke up and insanely felt groggy and horrible, my head felt so heavy. I pushed myself out of bed and attempted some shred of thought. I grabbed my kimono off the bedpost and headed the stairs

"Uuughh beth! Why did you convince me to have wine" I sighed

"To be fair Benny you didn't exactly need much convincing" I heard from the kitchen, I glanced over to see y/n stood in the kitchen making breakfast "good morning" she smiled

"Ummmm morning" I smiled going and giving her cheek a kiss

"Coffee" she smiled handing over my usual mug

"Ooohh I love you so much" I smiled almost snatching the mug from her having almost half of it in one go

"Love you too Benny, or where are you talking to the coffee?"

"Both of you" I shrug "my head is killing me"

"That's what happens when you play drunk chess with Beth"

"She always thinks when I'm drunk she can beat me"

"... But she can. Benny beth can beat you sober"

"I know." I nodded "but she doesn't have to rub it in. Thank you for driving home last night" I told her giving her head a kiss

"It's alright Benny, I know I'm the driver when we go to Beths because you two like to play drunk chess. It's okay I don't mind being designated driver" she smiled

"Well next time I'll drive. I promise"

"Thank you," she smiled

"What's for breakfast?"

"French toast, bacon, with hash browns and grapefruit" she explained as she worked "you haven't forgotten have you?"

"Uuuuuuhhh no"


"What is it I was not meant to have forgotten?"

"It's the twenty-third Benny"


"Where am I going?"

"........... Uuuuuuughhh. To a... doctor's appointment?"

She just glared "you're close."


"No... one more try Benny"

"You have... a nail appointment?"

"No Benny. Because I'm feeling nice I'll give you one more go"

I had a thought sipping my coffee trying to think what she had to do today, then it clicked "it's the twenty-third."

"It is" she giggled

"Ohh shit. You have therapy today"

"Yay" she giggled giving my cheek a kiss "well done Benny"

"How uhhh how long are you going to be?"

"Till I go or how long will I be gone?"


"Well I'll go as soon as I finish with breakfast, and it takes half an hour just to get across town Benny and it's a long appointment so I likely won't be back till this afternoon"

"Alright, have a nice session darling" I smiled giving her a kiss before I went into the living room with my coffee and my breakfast sitting at the table flipping through the pile of mail left there that she had gotten in this morning

"I'm leaving the girls with you" she smirked bringing their breakfast too sitting them on the chairs beside mine

"What?" I asked slightly having frozen up at that sentence

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