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I smiled as I gently and softly woke to the little gentle morning light across the New York sky, it sweetly trickling in through the tall windows and thought the frosted glass of the bedroom window was enough to gently and softly wake me. I stirred at first moving my almost named body in only my silk nightie against the soft clean covers I changed before bed last night, the sweet smell of wood, dust and honeysuckle that radiated from all things here. I smiled nuzzling my head against the softness I rested against "ummmm'' I hummed in pleasure feeling so comfortable and cosy this crisp morning "good morning Benny" I smiled as I sat up and opened my eyes revealing the pillow I was snuggling "ohh right. You're still in vegas" I sighed. I got up and walked out into the apartment having a fiddle with the chessboard as I went past it going and making myself a cup of tea. I leant against the counter sipping my tea and looking at the apartment. I finished the tea I went and put a record on letting it spin the nice songs as I began sweeping up and mopping and putting a load of his laundry in the machine making sure the apartment was spick and spam before going to the bedroom laying out my panties, my bra, my stockings, my little corset and my dress for the day. I went and plugged my curlers in so they had time to heat up and going to the shower running it as hot as it would go I threw my nightie across the chair and jumped into the shower letting the warm water envelop my skin for a while I had a giggle to myself and grabbed his soap washing myself from head to toe scrubbing the soapy bubbles all over my body...

I parked up my car outside the building rubbing my eyes "fuck it's too early for this shit" I sighed having been driving so long, I climbed out grabbing my bag heading down the various steps to my apartment, the moment I stood on my porch thought I knew... something was up. I noticed scratches on my lock that hadn't been there before, I could hear noises from inside. I kept my hand on my knife as I pushed open the door. I put my jacket and hat up, I could hear music playing from the record player. Probably nothing damn cheap thing glitches out all the time. Maybe we had a power outage and it came back on spinning or something. I noticed too it was warm... too warm and it made a cold shiver up my spine. The kitchen was clean but with a cup on the side with a used tea bag on the side of the sink, I put my head down trying not to think about it going to my bedroom, setting the bag on the chair and I noticed the bed sheets upturned, maybe I left them like that? But it was clear the bed had been changed and slept in since I had been gone. A set of clothes laid out on the bed. Women's clothes. I held my knife tightly in my hand, a slight fear growing in me... I stepped out Into the apartment and noticed other things, some rollers sat on my table warming, a nightie laid across my chair, my chess pieces moved and toyed with, and I knew I wasn't alone.

Someone was here with me.

Suddenly I noticed as the song faded into the next the sound of the shower it was running hot steam coming from above it the curtains drawn. Suddenly the shower stopped and I froze going closer to the shower holding my knife in my hand as the figure climbed from the shower

"Ohh hi Benny darling, I thought you weren't back till tomorrow" y/n smiled a towel on her hair and another around her naked body

"Ohh for fuck- it's just you" I sighed

"What are you talking about?' she giggled

"Y/n!" I yelled


I let out a long exhale and put my knife down "y/n... what have I told you about coming into my house when I am not here!"

"To not to"



".... Because. This is my house"


"You. Do. Not. Live. Here"

"Yes I do" she giggled going to the bedroom to get dressed

Benny Watts ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now