The Cost Of The Crown P2

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I sat at the table with my plate in front of me, the small amount of food didn't even feel the plate so I made sure to savour every inch of what was on the plate. The silence on the table made me feel I could not chew, could not scrape my plate clean, could not even breathe. The perfect place, faultless silver where, flawless placemat, exquisite table setting, idyllic dining room. I briefly gained enough confidence to look up across the long rectangular table at its other end and sat my father in his suit from the day eating his dinner with his whiskey glass to his left and my mother sat to his right. He looked up from his plate and made eye contact with me for a brief second but I quickly forced my eyes away and began to run my fingers through my hair.

"Out with it princess." He demanded his tone low as he returned his view to his plate, 

"I... I got all A's today Daddy," I spoke up my eyes firmly on my plate,

"Is that... suppose to impress me?" He said pausing as he chewed, and my eye began to twitch.

"Good grades are for girls who get no good glances," My mother spoke up, 

"And..." I began, "I've been hands-on with the prom committee." 

"Now that is good news." He said, "You had me worried... when you were not voted head. But I suppose we have little to worry over." 

I nodded and did my best not to panic as I moved my hands away from my hair even if my bleached hair had snapped off a hundred times in my hand. 

"You need to do your hair," he demanded,

"I- I only bleached my hair last week Daddy..." 

"You. Have. Roots." He glared me down across the table,

"Roots on the head are the Roots to be Socialy dead." Mother said, 

"Fetch me another plate, my queen." He smiled at her handing her his place,

She smiled and took his plate, "Of course my king," she cooed as she rushed off to fill his plate again.

His eyes met mine again, "Princess... these last few weeks are so very critical for you. But I promise your mother and I have every confidence in you." 

"... Are you proud of me?" I forced out as I looked up at him,

"We will be." He said as she returned handing him his plate. 

I stood holding my books in my little pink skirt staring at the poster board, stood in front of my locker as I looked at the sweet blue paper with those four letters. The painted bubbles, seaweed and fishes danced around the word. The three weeks that I counted the very seconds too. 

"You forgot something Cinderella," A voice spoke up, but I knew the voice and I didn't want to speak to him but I couldn't hold back a glare to my left as I saw on the wall the black trench coat and hat of Benny watts, his lips curled into a smile with that stupid excuse for facial hair across his upper lip.

"Oh? my glass slipper?" I snapped but quickly adjusted myself hoping not to let such an outburst slip out again.

"No, your homework," he smirked as he pulled out the white paper from his inner jacket pocket letting it unfold as he held it revealing my now graded Quantum mechanics homework with the bright red A+ across it, I had left it in the classroom on purpose but he was not letting me off so easily. 

"Thank you Mr watts." I forced as I tried to take it but he lifted it seconds before I could take it, 

"You are a little shit."

"Excuse me?" I glared, 

"Look at this top marks in the damn class and he grades like a cock tease." he said before he slipped it with my books between the book and my chest, "You're a fucking Genius, and it's infuriating."

"Pray tell, why is it Infuriating?"

"Becuase you're Gorgeous. Girls shouldn't be Gorgeous and Geniuses." He smirked, "How the hell am I meant to resist you?" 

"I'm not a Genius,"

"You are the only person who even gets Quantum mechanics, your a fucking Genius Y/n."

"If you say so..."

"I do say so. After all, I am a chess prodigy I would know a fellow genius when I see one." 

"Former Prodigy, you have to be a child to be a prodigy."

"See. Genius. Or smart ass. I can't decide Cindi."


"Cinderella." He smirked, 

I didn't bother responding just turning my attention back to the poster, 

"Hey... uhhh... Chess club is on tonight? Room 602? We are desperate for players who know what they're doing."

"I can't play chess."

"Really? you understand Quantum mechanics but you can't play chess?" he laughed, "I'll teach you then, a smart girl like you will pick it up no problem."

"No. Thank you Benny... but I need to be home on time."

"Fine." He rolled his eyes as he came and leaned on the locker next to mine with his hands in his pockets, "Who is he then?"

"What?" I asked turning to see him,

"You're prom date? I take it that's who you're fantasizing about as you stare... longingly into the poster." he smirked, "Unless of course... you're standing staring longingly into the prom poster hoping some very handsome gentleman will stumble along and ask you?" He smiled 

I rolled my eyes and looked away from him, 

"Because if it is the latter then, What colour and I wearing and what time do I need to pick you up Cindi?" 

"I have a date." I snapped,

"Yeah me, I thought we just arranged that?"

"No. I am going with Richard Franklin, Obviously."

"Ahh yes the big strong quarterback." he glared, "He asked you with roses and diamonds then?"

"...He hasn't asked me yet."

"So you're not going with him."

"Of course I am."

"...but he hasn't asked you."

"No. he's been busy." I shifted a little, "But our date is set in stone he just hasn't done it all yet."

"Mhm," He smirked, 


"Nothing... Nothing..." he chuckled, "But as it stands you have no date?"

"... not fully arranged no." 

"Then how about, If... Richard never gets around to asking, Then you and me?"

I rolled my eyes again and adjusted my books as I turned to him and gave him my prettiest smile, "Benjamin Watts. I would not go to prom with you until you where the last man on earth." I huffed before I marched off home.  

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