Hey, BabyDoll...

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I smiled sitting at my vanity gently kicking my feet letting my feet swing in my little kitten heels, a couple of the petticoats of my dress tickling my legs as I moved, as I concentrating hard on making sure my lipstick went on properly feeling the eyes of my mother stood on the doorframe to my bedroom as I rubbed my lips together putting my lipstick down "That Okay?" I asked her 

"That's enough," she says so I got up and did a little spin in my dress "Take a cardigan"

"Mother..." I whine 

"Y/n," She warns so I sighed grabbing my little white cardigan from my bedpost "Put it on" So I sighed slipping it on my shoulders she came over doing up a couple of the top buttons to cover my chest over a little more 

"Mother It's just benny"

"yeah well... Benny's getting older, Better cover-up and be warm than be too revealed y/n" 

"I know Mother" I sighed slightly rolling my eyes 

"Either this or I get your father-" she began

"It's alright, you don't have to bother daddy" I answered 

"Then you play by my rules," she says as she noticed the clock "Don't go to the east side of town, No Beer, No smoking, -" she began

"and home by eleven, I know mother" I finished 

"And... Be careful" 

"I'm always careful Mother, You really think benny's going to try anything?"

"I don't know, I barely know the boy," she says "I'm allowed to worry" 

"Mother, The day benny Watt's tries anything with me is the day I'll see pig boarding an aeroplane" I laughed There was suddenly a Knock on our front door so she went down to answer it while I undid a button on the cardigan and added a little more makeup "chance would be a fine thing" I sighed 

"Y/n, You have a Visitor" my mother calls from the bottom of the stairs so I fixed my hair and my dress and headed down the stairs blushing a little seeing him stood adorably. His shoes shined, his pants on loosely almost like they where too big for him, his black shirt on done up tightly with his jacket over the top his hair a little messy, he was clearly clean-shaven and obviously had a serious shower. But Like I always saw him when he came home from tournaments, he saw me fixing his hair a little and blushing a little bit 

"Uhhh Hey Y/n" He smiled 

"Hi benny" I smiled going over to him he took my hand giving it a little kiss "You look nice" I smiled

"You uhh You look beautiful Y/n" 

"Your sweet" I smiled 

"Go on, Have her home before eleven Mr Watts" My mother warned him 

"Yes Mrs Y/l/n" he nodded offering his arm so I smiled taking it and going out the house and down the little dark streets of New York, I smiled waving to my mother as we headed down the street as soon as we where a far enough from the house we both started giggling and running off down the dark streets, We went and got ice cream and went dancing as we usually did before we headed off to the park "They hate me"

"They don't hate you benny" I laughed 

"I'm not even allowed to have you out past eleven y/n" He complained, "How can we... have fun if I can't pick you up till nine and you have to be home by eleven?" 

"I don't know, I keep begging my father to let me out earlier but he never allows it"

"What are they so scared off?"

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