Chapter Sixty Two

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A/N: We're getting closer to the Falcon and Winter Solider series! Yay! So, after this chapter I have two chapters written and compete. I'm just waiting on the show to premiere so I can start writing it into this story. Here's my small problem, I can either take a tiny break from writing/updating after publishing the next two chapters or I can write a few more filler chapters? I would love to know your opinion. Or I could do a full flashback chapter to something, I'm
Not sure what. Please let me know what you would like to see. Thank you! And I'll also be deleting the epilogue chapter as well in case I want to change anything. I know a few people have been a little confused with it still being published.

New SHIELD Facility
Washington DC

The last time Catherine had walked into an official SHIELD building was when Hydra launched their attack in DC. It sat in the same exact spot, but looked completely different. She stood outside for a while trying to gain the courage to go inside. So much had changed. She wasn't the same agent, hell she barely acknowledged the fact that she was an agent.


"Are you going to go inside?" A male voice asked.

Catherine jumped and she snapped out of her trance. Her eyes shifted to the side, studying the figure. It was the man that brought her in after she tried to kill her brother. Brother. That was a foreign word on her tongue. "I...feel like I shouldn't be here."

"And why is that?" The man asked moving to stand in front of her.

Was this a trick question? There were so many reasons for her not to be there. She was an ex Hydra agent. She knew how to kill a person without leaving a trace. She was a terrorist.

"Look, Miss Stark, if Fury didn't trust you, you wouldn't be here. Think of it as a fresh start. Yes, you're going to have to prove yourself, but you're going to be okay." He explained.

She pondered his words. Everything was different from Hydra. She was treated like a human, not a weapon that was crafted and molded into anything they wanted. "What if I don't live up to those expectations?"

"You won't. I won't let you. Natasha won't." He promised.

"Why do you want to help me?" She asked curiously.

"Because after everything you've been through, you need it. And deserve it."

Catherine smiled. A genuine smile. The first genuine one she had in a while. Perhaps she would be okay. Maybe she would make it. "It's Agent Coulson right?"

"Phil Coulson." He introduced himself.

She walked up the stairs to the entrance slowly, preparing herself for whatever reason they needed her there for. Most everyone paid no attention to her, they just went on their way. However, there was still quite a few people who gawked at her. She hardly recognized any of the agents. After the fall of SHIELD, most of the agents went to different agencies or retired all together. 

A wall with a large wooden board on it caught her attention. On top it read 'In Memory Of'. Her fingers traced over the brass plates that had names inscribed on it. She recognized a few names, Phil, Pietro, even Bucky's name was on there. Next to the wall were photos of the original founder's of SHIELD. She stopped at the photo of her dad and let out a shaky breath. She wished he was here, both of her parents, to see every thing Tony and her accomplished. She had hoped they would be proud.

"We're going to add ones for Vision, Tony, Natasha and Steve." Catherine heard a voice from behind say.

She had only ever seen Melinda May in photos and from what Phil had told her. Next to Natasha, she was probably one of the best SHIELD agents. She was definitely just as imposing in person. Catherine extended her hand to shake May's. "Catherine Barnes. It's nice to meet you in person finally."

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