Chapter Fifty Eight

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The few days following the fight against Thanos were a mix of emotions. Catherine was happy to have Bucky back, but the reality of the situation was that she lost Natasha and Tony. While she had gained a husband, Pepper had lost one. It felt like the roles of the last five years had been reversed.

Bucky had protested against going to Tony's funeral. It felt wrong. The last time they had really seen each other, they were trying to kill one another. He didn't know what Pepper's feelings were towards him. He didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Catherine kept reassuring him it would be fine.

"You know what Tony's last words to me were?" Catherine asked him the night before the funeral for her brother.

"Hm?" Was all Bucky said.

Catherine places her hand against his cheek, rubbing this rough beard. "He said you were a good man."

Bucky felt his knees give out. Forgiveness. Tony had forgiven him. He had his approval. All those years of feeling remorseful had hit him. He only ever wanted Tony's forgiveness. He wanted the two of them to get along for Catherine's sake. It killed him that Tony wasn't here.

He didn't have anything to wear to the funeral that would be super nice. He would have probably needed a customized suit to fit his metal arm in anyways. He put on his black, slim fit jeans, boots and a black leather jacket that clung to him like a glove. Catherine wore a simple black dress with short sleeves and kept her hair pulled back into a tight bun.

The ride to Tony's funeral felt like the longest ride of her life. William didn't quite understand what was going on. All he knew was that his Uncle was gone. The initial funeral was kept small. Just family and a few of the Avengers. They would hold a memorial after where more people could join them. He was buried with full military honors. Catherine struggles to kept it together as they played taps and handed Pepper a folded up flag.

Tony was buried next to their parents. She could feel the tension in Bucky's hand as he stared at the grave of the two people he killed. He wanted to run, but he stayed for Catherine.

"It's okay." She whispered to him as they walked back to the car to go to Tony's and Pepper's house. "It wasn't you. It was Hydra."

When they got to the house, Catherine, Pepper, Morgan, William, Happy, and Rhodey went inside to take a few minutes to compose themselves. Bucky elected to stay outside to give them space. Tony had left a video for them. It felt odd seeing her brother in hologram form. It really solidified the fact that he was gone.

At the end of the video, Tony had leaned down, wanting to speak to Morgan, "I love you 3000."

By the end of the video, Catherine had tears falling from her face. She missed her brother so much. She would have given anything to have him next to her, going on and on about his next invention. After the video, the family went outside for his memorial.

Bucky offered his arm to Catherine as they walked towards the lake. Pepper placed a wreath with a box of one of Tony's arc reactors that said 'Proof Tony Stark has a Heart.' Pepper had given it to Tony as a gift years ago. After the memorial, everyone had stood around to talk. Bucky was talking with Sam and William and Morgan were inside eating cheeseburgers. Catherine stood in front of the lake, alone, starting at the reactor as it floated away.

"Hey." She heard Steve say softly.

Catherine gave him a forced smile and he hugged her. They hadn't talked much since the fight.

"Doing okay?" Steve asked.

Catherine shrugged her shoulders. "I'm doing the best I can. I'm more worried about Pepper and Morgan."

"Are you coming with us tomorrow when I return the stones?" Steve asked curiously.

Catherine knew something was up. He was avoiding her eye contact and had his hands shoved in his pockets.

"I'm not sure." Catherine answered. "Do I need to be?"

"I-I'm not coming back." Steve admitted.

Catherine looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"I'm going back to be with Peggy. I kept trying to convince myself that I was over her...but I'm not. This world doesn't need Steve Rogers anymore." Steve explained.

"This world could always need Steve Rogers and Captain America. There aren't many men like you Steve. I do want you to be happy though." She said.

Steve nodded. "Me too."

"Does Bucky know?"

"He does. He's a little upset, but he understands."

Catherine sighed. "If that's what you want."

"It is. Sam doesn't know yet though."

"My lips are sealed."

Catherine and Steve both looked up as Fury approached them. He wanted to talk to Catherine alone.

"You've had a hell of a life Cat." Fury said.

Catherine smiled slightly. "Yeah, I have. Thanks to you though, it got a little better. What happens now?"

Fury shrugged his shoulders. "The world will always need the Avengers and someone to lead them."

"What are you saying?" Catherine asked.

"I'm not saying anything. Tony's gone. Steve is leaving. Thor is leaving. Clint wants to retire. Natasha is gone. Bruce is fine with being a scientist. That leaves you." Fury explained.

"I'm not much of a leader. Besides I have a family like Clint." She told him.

"Whatever you say Agent Barnes." Fury said.

Catherine took one last look at the flowers before turning around to head back towards Bucky. It was a sight seeing so many people that loved or had known Tony. No one really knew the impact he had until now. Bucky caught her eye and he smiled at her. They both seemed lost for different reasons, but she knew that they would help each other heal slowly. She walked back up to him and he put his arm around her.

"Did Steve talk to you?" Bucky asked quietly.

"Yeah, he did." Catherine told him. "Are you going to be okay?"

Bucky sighed. "I will be, eventually. He deserves to be happy though."

"You don't want to go back with him? It could be a do over. No Hydra. No Winter Solider. No metal arm. No running away. You could see your sisters again."

"While the metal arm is a little cool, I have everything I need right here. Besides, Sam's going to need me."

Catherine smiled up at him. He was choosing to stay with her, rather then go back in time and live a normal life again.

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