Chapter Twenty Two

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"It's nice for you to finally join us Stark." She heard Fury's voice boom as she walked into the SHIELD building.  "I had breakfast with your brother and I still made it on time."

Catherine groaned. "My flight got delayed. Twice."

"You've stirred up quite a few people." Fury added.

"I swear I don't know what happened. I was just trying to get him to stop." Catherine tried to explain.

"It's okay. We're handling it. I fixed your brother's weird rash by the way. Maybe he'll calm down now. But that's not why you're here. Follow me." Fury told her.

She could feel people's eyes on her as she followed Fury into the elevator and down what seemed 100 floors. She had actually never been down this far before so whatever was going on was serious. The elevator opened and there were people running around everywhere. They were building something she saw out of the corner of her eye. Fury didn't stop still they entered into a room with clear walls and a table.

"Sit." He told her.

"O-Okay." She said nervously.

What was going on?

"What I'm about to tell you is classified. This is your mission." Fury began. "A few days ago someone found a ship while drilling for oil in the Artic. Not only did they find a ship, but they found someone."

Catherine raised an eyebrow. "A person?"

"Captain America." Fury told her.

"Captain America? Didn't he die in the 40s? His plane crashed or something? My dad tried to search for him but never found anything." She said.

"His plane did crash, but somehow the ice mixed with your father's super solider serum, kept him alive. He hasn't aged a day. We're currently defrosting him down the hall."

"I don't think defrosting is the best term to use. What do you need me for?"

"As you can probably guess, this is going to be a big shock for him when he wakes up. We want to ease him into this new world. We're setting up a room right now that is designed to look like a 1940's hospital. We're going to let him wake up in there. I want you to be there when he wakes up. We're going to dress you like a 1940's agent. We'll give you a panic button in case anything goes wrong but I know you can handle it." Fury explained.

Catherine couldn't help but laugh. "Is this a joke? That's a horrible plan. I'm sorry, but he's a freaking super solider not to mention we have to get every detail right or he'll figure out something is up. I may be trained, but I assure you I can not fight a super soldier."

"But you have a personal connection with him. Your father created him. I would use Tony, but he's currently not in the right state of mind. I'm hoping he'll trust you." Fury shot back.

"You think he'll trust me? A former HYDRA agent?"

Fury gave her a look.

"Fine. I'll do it." She agreed.


Catherine stepped in front of the mirror after hours of hair and make up. She barely recognized herself. She was dress in an old SSR uniform. She had on a dark brown pencil skirt, with a beige shirt tucked in with a brown tie. She also had on a pair of tights and heels. Her hair had been curled and partially pinned back and she had on dark lipstick. She felt utterly ridiculous.

"Well look at you." She heard Phil Coulson say.

"Please don't start. I've had a hard few days." She began.

Phil held his hands up in surrender. "Do you have any idea how lucky you are? You're going to be the first person Captain America sees when he wakes up."

"Would you like to put the skirt and heels on and go in there?" She asked. "I don't think this is going to end very well."

Phil and her began to walk over to the makeshift hospital where Steve Rogers had just been laid into the bed. Fury handed her the panic button and she stood at the entrance. She let out a shaky breath and walked inside the room quietly just as he began to stir. The radio in his room was turned onto a Dodgers game and echoed through the the room. She watched the man sit up in the bed with a confused expression.

He was taller and bigger then she thought. Her dad created this. She felt slightly overwhelmed looking at him. His blonde hair was perfectly kept. The shirt they put on him barely fit. A pair of blue eyes met her brown ones and she felt herself stop breathing for a second.

"G-Good morning. Or should I say afternoon?" Catherine managed.

"Where am I?" Captain Rogers asked quickly.

"You're in a recovery room in New York City." She told him as the announcer on the radio continued.

"Where am I really?" He asked.

Catherine slipped her thumb over the panic button, ready to press it at any minute. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

"The game, it's from May, nineteen forty one. I know, cause I was there." He told her and stood up.


The one tiny detail they forget to check just blew their whole operation. She knew this wouldn't work.

"Now, I'm gonna ask you again. Where am I?"

Catherine pressed the alarm. "Captain Rogers..."

"Who are you?"

Two agents bursted into the room and all hell broke loose. She watched as Rogers pushed them through one of the walls, revealing the made up room. He looked around confused.

"Captain Rogers! Wait!" Catherine yelled.

She watched as he took off and several people went after him. Catherine braced herself against the bed in the room and let out a shaky breath.

"Are you okay?" Phil asked, running inside.

"I-I'm fine. I told Fury this wasn't a good idea." She growled.

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