Chapter Eighty Eight

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A/N: I just wanted to jump on here and tell you guys that I created a playlist on Spotify called 'Infatuation (Bucky x OC). Basically it's just a small playlist of songs that I either listened to while writing or that remind me of the story. Also, I'm sorry this chapter jumps around a bit. And I can't believe I'm almost at a million reads!! It's crazy to me. I don't know if I'll ever reach it, but if I did, I would probably cry. Thanks for reading!

Two Weeks Later

She felt his lips gently kiss her neck, surprising her. She wasn't expecting anyone to be up at this hour. "Did I wake you?" Catherine asked.

"No. What are you working on?" Bucky asked as he noticed her typing something on her laptop.

"My letter of resignation from SHIELD." She answered.

"Resignation. Right." He said.

Catherine stopped typing and looked up at Bucky. "I heard the hesitation in your voice."

Bucky crossed his arms across his chest. "I think you're being rash."

"Rash? Okay. Maybe I am. I don't want my family in harms way any more." She argued.

"You really think just because you stop being an agent, people will stop coming after you? What about the Avengers? Are you going to stop being one as well?" He asked.

"I was. I don't really need to make a formal resignation from the Avengers though. This will shorten the list of people that might potentially come after us though." She refuted. "I-I thought this was something you would want."

Bucky knelt down in front of her, taking her hands in his. "I want you to be happy."

"I am happy."

"Catherine, you went through a lot these past six months. Hell, five years. I know it's been hard, but you love being a SHIELD agent."

"Correction. I loved it, before the whole Hydra uprising. It hasn't been the same since. People still don't trust it, heck I'm scared half the time that there are still Hydra informants in there."

Bucky sighed. "Okay."

Catherine leaned down and pressed a kiss against his lips. "I'll see you at the airport."

She stood inside the lobby of the SHIELD headquarters, taking it in. This would be the last time she ever stepped foot in one. She clutched her resignation paper tightly in her hand and let out a shaky breath. While she was happy to be leaving, a part of her was sad. It had been her home. It's where she learned about herself. It's where she met some of her closest friends. However, she deserved to retire. She had given so much to the agency and the world. It was time that she lived the life she wanted. The problem is, she didn't know what kind of life she wanted.

She knocked on Mack's door before walking in. "Director."

"Agent Barnes. I'm glad to see that you're recovering." He greeted as she sat down and slid a paper over to him. Mack picked it up and eyed it. "I won't accept this."

Catherine gaped at him. "What do you mean? You can't not accept it."

"Catherine Stark, Barnes, whatever your last name is now, is your head stuck that far up your ass?" She heard the voice of Nick Fury say.

She hadn't even heard Fury come inside as he appeared from behind her. He gave her a very disapproving look.

"What is this?" Catherine asked. "An ambush?"

"I had a feeling. I called in back up." Mack told her.

"And your husband called me." Fury told her.

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