Chapter Sixteen

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One Year Later

"Damnit!" Jack cursed as Catherine threw him onto the practice mat for what seemed the hundredth time.

To the side of the room Clint Barton and the other members of the SHIELD Strike Team watched the two of them spare with amused expressions. Once Catherine knew Jack surrendered, she extended her hand and helped him up. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and smirked at the bystanders. "Who's next?"

"You're kidding right?" Brock Rumlow, the current leader of the Strike team asked. "You've already kicked all of our asses and you're not even out of breath."

"That was just my warm up." She teased.

Training with the Strike Team had become one of Catherine's favorite past times since she joined SHIELD. All of the members were easy to get along and great fighters. They didn't treat her any differently just because of who she was. Director Fury had hoped by them training together, they would create a bond and the team could assist Catherine on missions. In addition to training with them, she also trained with Natasha and Clint.

Choosing to become a SHIELD agent was a difficult choice, but it was one she didn't regret. It took her a few weeks to catch onto the training during the Academy, but she ended up graduating the top of her class. It helped that she had been training her entire life. After the academy she had been partnered with Agent Phil Coulson and from there she steadily rose levels. One year in and she was almost at the same level at Natasha and Phil.

She enjoyed working with Coulson and Vice versa, even though Catherine could annoy the hell out of him just like her brother. He taught her well and she almost viewed him as a father figure. Within two months, she was able to get her tracking device removed. While she hated therapy, it had been a good thing for her. She was almost able to sleep through the night without a nightmare. She tried to leave her past with Hydra behind, but sometimes it was hard. Something would cause a memory to appear in her mind. Especially ones about James.

Catherine sat on the ground, stretching her muscles out when she noticed Rumlow approaching her. She stood up and dusted her pants off. "Are you taking me up in my offer to keep sparing?"

He chuckled. "No I was wanted to see-"

The door to the training room swung open and Phil walked inside. "Stark, with me."

"Yeah. One second!" She told him before turning her attention back to Rumlow. "What were going to say?"

"Uhh, you know what, doesn't matter. Have fun." He said.

Catherine found his behavior odd, but she didn't say anything. She just followed Phil out into the hallway. 

"What's going on?" She asked curiously.

"Fury wants to see us." He answered her.

"Did he say why?"

Phil shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't say. You know, at the rate you're going with the Strike team, soon you'll be their leader."

Catherine scoffed and shook her head as they ascended the stairs. "Not likely. I would be a terrible leader."

She stopped in front of Director Fury's door and let Phil knock. When they heard him say 'come in,' they did. She supposed they were going to be sent on some mission and Director Fury didn't want to email them. Some things were too secretive to be sent via email as well. They took their seats in front of his desk.

"Agent Stark, do you realize it's been 378 days since we found you?" Fury asked her.

She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She had no idea what direction he was going with the question. She shot Phil a look and he shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't been exactly counting, sir."

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