Chapter Fifty Seven

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She had never seen so many emotions on a person's face. Confusion. Sadness. Anger. Joy. Bucky honestly looked like he was going to pass out. His hands balled up in fists.

"I'm going to kill that wizard." He said through gritted teeth.

Catherine's eyes widened. Bucky turned on his heels and ran towards Dr. Strange. She watched as he wrapped his metal hand around his throat, picking him up.

"You bastard! You knew all along I had a son. You allowed five years to go by before you did anything!" He yelled.

"It...was...the...only...way." Steven managed.

"Bucky! Stop!" Catherine yelled. "I know you're upset, believe me I am too, but let him explain."

Bucky glared at Steven for a couple more moments before releasing his grip on him. He reached up to touch the now bruised skin on his throat, trying to catch his breath. Catherine gently placed a hand on her husband's shoulder, attempting to calm him down. He was incredibly tense and she could almost feel his blood boiling.

"It was the only way to beat Thanos. I can predict outcomes. I went through a million outcomes and there was only one where we one. Do you think I wanted families ripped apart? Do you think I wanted Natasha or Tony to die? It had to happen though." Steven explained. "I am sorry. I truly am."

"It's okay. Emotions are just running high right now." Catherine said trying to deescalate the situation. "Come on Bucky."

She held his hand tightly, leading him away from the chaos. He needed to breath. She had just thrown a lot of information at him. He didn't look her in the eye. He felt ashamed for losing control, but he was angry. He had always wanted a family and he had his chance, but it had been taken away from him temporarily.

"I'm sorry Cat." Bucky finally spoke.

Catherine shook her head. "It's okay. I understand. How about we finish up here and then you can meet him?"

"Does he even know who I am?" Bucky asked, his voice cracking.

"He does. I made sure he knew who his father was." Catherine answered. "He looks just like you."

Bucky attempted to smile at her. "What's his name?"

"William James Barnes."

"It's perfect Catherine."

Bucky pressed his lips against her's. He didn't think he could love her more, but after finding out they had a child together deepened that love.

Pepper had left with Tony's body and was going to go back to her house to be with Morgan. Happy was going to bring William back to Catherine's house. Most of the people had dispersed. Several people had asked what the next step would be now that the Avengers Compound had been blown to pieces and Tony was gone. No one really had an answer. The first step was going to be getting all the debris cleared away. She supposed they would rebuild the compound. The world would always need the Avengers. They would need a facility to train, coordinate, research, and even live for some of them. Steve and her coordinated with a construction team for an hour just to schedule a clean up and to level the ground again so they could build. Once they finished up, everyone parted ways for some much needed rest.

"My house is only 10 minutes away. We can walk or see if someone would give us a ride." Catherine told Bucky.

"I can carry you." He teased.

"Careful, I might consider that offer." She said. "We'll walk. It's been a while since we were alone."

"I think that's a great idea." Bucky said, reaching out to hold her hand as they walked.

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